Seeing a dragonfly in dreams or if one suddenly appears in your life, it is a sign of caution. 3731. One tiny bright spot of positivity in English folklore is that it was considered bad luck to kill a blue dragonfly. Finding a dragonfly (and not killing it), is a good presage! In this case, Dragonfly meaning foretells extreme good luck. 3727. Something in your life is hidden from view, or the truth is being kept from you. However, keeping its wings in a prayer book would attract good fortune. Find out the origins of the umbrella superstition and why it brings one bad luck. If a dragon-fly lights on your line while you are fishing, the fish will not bite. What Does a Dragonfly Symbolize? In England, the wings of a blue dragonfly placed in a missal or a book of gospels is believed to bring good luck; however, it is also considered bad luck to kill such a dragonfly. Whenever I find a spider or bug in my house I usually catch it and then free it outside, but today there was a huge spider in my house and I was afraid that it would bite me if I tried to pick it up, so I killed it. Some think they are good luck and others that they are bad luck. Nothing in particular. Some people have an insect, fish or other creature that they consider good luck to them for one reason or other. Which was difficult because it was also supposed to be good luck putting the wings of a blue dragonfly in a religious book like a missal. RE: Is it bad luck to kill a spider? Good Luck Superstitions. The dragonfly totem carries the wisdom of transformation and adaptability in life. It may be more than just a mere coincidence. To clarify, the influence of both these elements will be felt by you regularly. Also I don't see a snake understanding an intention, they only understand what is. Is a Praying Mantis making its presence felt in your life, a bit too much lately? Millions of people all over the world believe in superstitions, especially good luck superstitions.Nevertheless a lot of other people think of them as nonsense, beliefs not based on reason or solid logic. Asked in Ghosts, Signs and Omens All I know is according to the swami he says it brings bad luck for generations. He provided a link to a page on a Terminix website. The dragonfly … When has a generational curse ever fair? A "snake-doctor" (that is, a dragon-fly) warns snakes of danger and shows them the whereabouts of food. I don't make up the rules. Yes, a message in the form of an insect. Moreover, those with this totem can inhabit two realms, both air, and water. If yes, then you'd know that they are beautiful creatures with transparent wings that reflect and refract light to create the colors of the rainbow. Dragonfly Totem, Spirit Animal. Have you ever seen a dragonfly hovering around a pond or any other water body? 3728. Luck isn't actually real, so no it isn't bad luck to kill a dragonfly. This Site Might Help You. To most people they are just dragonflies. 3730. Opening an Umbrella Inside – Bad Luck . It causes bad luck to kill a dragon-fly. 3729. This Mysticurious post tells you more about the praying mantis and its symbolism. You’d Be Stunned to Know. Good and Bad Luck Superstitions. Finding a dead dragonfly means there will be sad tidings in the future. If this insect is your animal totem, you are the power of light. Dreaming about these insects predicted good news from a person. Dreaming about a dragonfly landing on you means you will hear exciting news from someone far away. It could be as simple as having a small winning lottery ticket of $711,711. Opening an umbrella inside can be bad luck since it runs the risk of breaking valuable items and poking folks in … A few days ago, I was reading my news on Twitter and noticed a tweet by Alex Wild of A small not big but small dragon fly got into the home today, looked like a mosquito but finally until I got it with a rolled up magazine I saw that it was a dragon fly, I read that dragon fly's are good luck and now i'm wodering if it's bad luck to kill a dragon fly that is small and black? Traditionally associated with bad luck, some believed that they were evil creatures sent by the devil to sow chaos and confusion. Dragonflies Are Considered Bad in Some European Cultures. don't open an umbrella in the house, bad luck! In England, the wings of a blue dragonfly placed in a missal or a book of gospels is believed to bring good luck; however, it is also considered bad luck to kill such a dragonfly. There is certainly neither good nor bad luck associated with kangaroos. In the United States, killing a dragonfly resulted in the death of a family member. How to Get Rid of Bad Luck. Insect superstitions are common. It may be trying to convey a message to you from the Universe. It means it is the time of year that they can now come out, so the weather is improving. Normally I don't bother looking at pest control company websites because they just make me mad, but the tweet mentioned extermination services for … It is considered very bad luck to kill a spider because their presence in your home symbolizes good health, wealth, and cleanliness. If a dragonfly lands on you it is seen to be good luck.