Sassy's Top 10 Vegan Weight Loss Tips. Additional health benefits are healthy kidneys, gallbladders and glowing skin. The Weight-Loss Pyramid is just like the Food Guide Pyramid, except that the number of servings from each group is decreased to the minimum amount needed for good health. The Vegan Food Pyramid is a good starting point when you want to understand the different food groups that you should eat. ... Review the Vegan Food Pyramid. People tend to want fast results and dive in to a … Hence, you should review it if you are using the vegan diet … Here's the Whole Foods Vegan Food Pyramid that easily shows you how to meet all of your nutrients on a vegan diet, including critical nutrients, while taking normal energy needs into account and making this actually sustainable for you. The challenge is to find the perfect diet plan for you. Living a healthy vegan lifestyle is becoming easier than ever. The two largest food groups in the VRG vegan food pyramid are grains and vegetables. Weight loss can be quite a struggle for some people, but besides exercising, a new diet plan will definately help you move in the right direction. Research has shown that the average weight and BMI was lowest among vegans. The vegan food pyramid consists of grains, vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, and herbs. But with the wrong methods, you can actually cause harm to your body in the long term. Amazingly enough – there is no room for CRAP food! Foods that is building and running your body in a good way! If you are obese, you can expect dramatic weight loss. But when it comes to vegan weight loss plans, there’s a lot of misinformation and bad advice being circulated. Here are some tips that you can start using TODAY: If you're just starting out with the vegan diet, be sure to review the Vegan Food Pyramid because it's a great starting point to understanding the various food groups you need to eat. The Vegan Food Pyramid is as a general guide so you can understand the variation of food groups you should eat to keep your vegan diet in balance. The best Diet Plan for Weight Loss fits your personal needs. A plant-based diet can drastically improve your energy. Vegan Food Pyramid … The Vegetarian Resource Group (VRG) created a guide to educate vegans on how much they should be eating and how much they should be eating. If done properly, being a vegan or vegetarian is a fantastic health decision. 10 Amazing Vegan Tips For Weight Loss.