Agama, (genus Agama), any of about 30 species of lizards belonging to the family Agamidae (suborder Sauria). Female Agama agama Lizard outside commer-cial poultry pen in the study area Figure 4. Adult worms Figure 1. However, reptiles can be very important when it … Answer. I am not sure about lizard control but there is a very visible industry involved in pest control for cockroaches and termites. They are rather unspecialized lizards about 30 to 45 cm (12 to 18 inches) long exhibiting little development of crests or dewlaps. Their importance to humans is less pronounced but still significant. Authors. It is very hard to place an economic value on reptiles outside of the pet trade mainly because the services they provide are behind the scenes and can only be calculated after reptiles have been extirpated from an area. Map of Gombe State showing the study areas Figure 2. The food of this animal is 100% insects and ants (Hymenoptera) alone contributing 70% of it. They thrive in an environment which provides ample amount of food, proper basking sites, and hiding places like thatched huts or rock crevices. The lizard's name refers to the scales on its hind feet, which resemble fringes, These scales enable the lizard to move quickly across sand, providing traction in the desert environment. The population of this lizard was quite high in the agroecosystem and ranged … Of the bug populations were to high, it would off balance the ecosystem and wouldn't be good for the environment. As one part of the greater food chain, they prevent overpopulation and provide food for hungry predators, especially when they are young. Lizards are very important by controlling the population of Insects my friends don't hate lizards. Economic Importance of Earthworm! The lizards have a protein in their blood that kills the Lyme disease bacterium in ticks. Useful Affairs of Earthworms: The earthworms are better known as the friend of farmers due to the following reasons: 1. In this tutorial, we are going to install the Agama Wallet for desktop on Windows. What Are the Adaptations a Lizard Has That Allow It to Live in the Desert? ... Rainbow lizard consumed 9 major pests of 21 plant species of economic importance. Agama Wallet is an open-source wallet that supports most currencies of the Komodo ecosystem in addition to many other cryptocurrencies, such as; Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Digibyte, Litecoin, among others. Economic Importance. Some of the major insect orders represented in the diet were Hymenoptera, Isoptera, Orthoptera, … Agama Wallet is linked to the Verus Coin project.