The eggs are quite large (1/2 inch in diameter), and are spread over boulders, or gravel. Life History: Lake trout are fall season broadcast spawning fish on shoals or shallow reefs. The abundance of lake trout in Lake Erie might lead you to believe the native fish thrive around here. Migratory Brown trout also start working their way up many rivers, especially lake Ontario rivers where they will spawn. The rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is a trout and species of salmonid native to cold-water tributaries of the Pacific Ocean in Asia and North America. They also occur in a few lakes of the upper Mississippi River drainage. Unfortunately, this window for fall lake trout is typically rather small, because many regions close lake trout fishing at the end of September to let the fish spawn. Trout are tremendously popular sport fish. Lake trout spawn in September in lakes, in waters 1 to 120 feet deep. by Erich Hartmann Now that September is here our rivers and streams will soon come to life with salmon and trout. The lake trout invasion of Yellowstone Lake caused the native Yellowstone cutthroat trout population to crash. Lake trout are voracious predators—a mature lake trout can eat 40 native cutthroat trout over the course of a year. in Sheboygan County. There several species but rainbow, brown, and brook trout seem to get most of the attention. Brown trout eat mostly insects, crustaceans, and mollusks, but have a reputation for eating much larger prey: other fish, crayfish, birds, mice frogs and snakes. The key to success this time of year is knowing what tactics and strategies to use to find and catch fall lake trout. The substrate is composed of gravel and silt. Lake Trout Facts. By 2010, 90 percent of the spawning population of native cutthroats was gone. They may spawn in pairs or several may spawn as a group. The native prey includes ciscoes and sculpin, but when available lake trout will take advantage of alewives, smelt, gobies or other fish and sometimes take crustaceans, terrestrial insects, plankton, even small birds and mammals. Arctic char and brook trout are part of the char family. Because many will survive the spawn these big brown trout will hold over in the rivers or start dropping back to the lakes giving anglers a second chance to catch these fish. Lake trout in Minnesota live primarily in Lake Superior and many of the deep, cold lakes of St. Louis, Lake, and Cook counties. Lake trout is a big fish and for that reason a … Lake trout and most other trout live in freshwater lakes and rivers exclusively, while there are others, such as the steelhead, a form of the coastal rainbow trout, that can spend two or three years at sea before returning to fresh water to spawn (a habit more typical of salmon). Knowing some basic information about the fish you’re trying to catch has been proven effective many times. Lake Michigan trout and salmon are known to spawn in this stream. A state Department of Environmental Conservation survey showed a … Some facts are just fun to know, and others that are actually useful when fishing for the lake trout. The anadromous (lake-run) fish have already begun to enter some area rivers, namely Wisconsin's Bois Brule. When trout fishing, it is important to be able to know answers to fish life history questions, such as “when do trout spawn. The lower 1.6 miles of Willow Creek is designated as a Class II trout stream. Pike River The Pike River (Figure 6) has two main tributaries, the North and South Branches. The They spawn in fall, between September and January, migrating to small tributaries of large rivers, upstream in small rivers, or to lake inlets. Where Do They Live? MOVEMENTS Here are four important aspects to keep in mind. Lake Superior Salmon and Trout Thousands of spawning fish will soon ascend North Shore Rivers! They were introduced to Grindstone Lake near Sandstone many years ago.