Step 3: Sketch in the back of cat heading down to where the tail will be. In this drawing lesson we’ll show you how to draw a Cat in 6 easy steps. How to Draw a Realistic Cat. To draw the legs, add the 'forearm' onto the shoulder, in whichever position you wish the leg to be in, and make the paw by drawing an almost circular oval, … Note: All art by Chris Desatoff. Next, overlap the head with a larger oval for the body before adding smaller vertical ovals for the legs. Paste(Ctrl+V) it in the desired location. A collection of doodles from my sketchbooks. The BACK leg will not only tell you how I draw a back leg but will also tell you how I draw dog/cat feet from a side view. Draw the front leg then move to the paw. Cats vary in height, and some have longer front legs than back legs, and vice versa. It is very important to have a vet treat your cat's injuries to reduce complications and infection. The final step is a drawing of a full sized cat. To draw a cartoon cat, start by drawing an angular oval for the head and triangles at each side for the ears. For back legs draw a lightning bolt shape. The lesson also talks about their eyes, and legs. STEP 2~ Cats can become injured rather easily. Because of that, I decided that it would be best to sketch out simple type of legs from a cartoon or anime/manga perspective. This is one of our large guides, so within this lesson you will find six different cartoon cat drawing tutorials. Draw in the back and belly p.s my cat will be siting down but feel free to make him stand. Step 8: Adding in … The tutorial on how to draw a realistic cat is intended for kids with some experience in drawing. Find these step by step drawing tutorials below: CAT #1: DRAW A CAT WITH A NUMBER 8 SHAPE. At first, draw the general outline of a cat sitting still, then focus on its head and feet. All of these tutorials are simple enough to draw these cats in under 10 steps. Here is a simple cat drawing with a number 8 shape. STEP 1~ For the front feet draw a straight line. The pack paws are angled as well but the paw on the left is facing more directly towards the viewer while the paw on the right is facing more sideways. These bites and scratches often become infected and cause an abscess. Step 4: Draw the front chest of the cat, front legs and rear hind leg. Draw a smooth line around the ovals for the outline of the cat’s leg. Add Tip Ask Question Comment Download. Step 2: Draw the back of the head towards the body. The FRONT leg will not only tell you how to draw a front leg but will also tell you how I draw the front view of dog/cat feet. Step 4: Erase the overlapping lines in the cat’s leg and the line on its chest. The URL has been copied. Okay, who's ready to learn how to draw a cute little cartoon kitty cat? For this reason one toe on the right-side leg will not be visible. To draw the cat’s first front leg, add an oval overlapping its body and another smaller oval below that. It will give you helpful tips that explain how to draw a cats pose using their bodies line of motion. The most common form of injury for a cat is a bite or scratch wound from a fight. Add Tip Ask Question Comment Download. Draw the rest of the front legs. Don't forget make your drawing unique add claws. I was actually going to draw this sketch out to be realistic legs, but instead I figured it's hard enough drawing regular legs, levamind teaching you to draw realistic legs. For the paws, draw smaller horizontal ovals before connecting the 4 legs with a line. Step 1: Draw the to of the head including the ear. Draw the dividers accordingly with smaller division for the far toes. I've included easy step by step instructions for how to draw this kitten, and I've also offered some suggestions along the way as to how you can customize your own drawing and make some variations as we go.