Pet owners often worry whether they can adopt a dog when living in an apartment. Source: Best Low Maintenance Pets For Apartments Our list of the best low maintenance pets for apartments takes a number of things into consideration. Daily walks are still required, but if going on long runs isn't your thing then this might be the right dog for you. Chihuahuas are content in households that consist of adults, children and other pets, but be prepared to spoil them: Chihuahuas crave attention and form very close bonds with the humans they love. Apartment Dogs 10 Low Maintenance For Dwellers21 Best Apartment Dogs For Any Owner Nextgen DogLow Maintenance Dogs For Busy Or Lazy People10 Low Maintenance Dogs For Apartment […] Their small size and medium energy level make these dogs another great option for apartments. Many people feel that dogs need larger spaces to live. Whether you live in big city or a midsize town, if you reside in an apartment or are thinking about moving to one but still want to get a dog, there are some breeds that will do better than others.Many dogs are quite adaptable and there are a number of low maintenance dogs that will do well in an apartment environment. 10 Low-Maintenance Pets For Working Adults. 21 Best Apartment Dogs for Any Owner. Frenchies love to play and thrive on human contact. There are even the best apartment dogs to fit that lifestyle better. In conclusion, this list gives you ample information about small, medium and large sized dogs that are low maintenance and would be happy to live with you in your small apartment or home as long as you love them unconditionally and give them their favourite dog treats. Size, space needs, feeding habits are all very important. Mastiff. Brianna Holt Now Shiloh is living the good life with my mom back in Texas in a large house, sitting on two acres. They adapt fast, are very quiet and kid-friendly. However, their long hair means they shed a lot and will require daily brushing. Dog sports and puzzle games are ideal to exercise their minds and bodies. Why it’s suitable: The meaner looking but actually friendly American Staffordshire Terriers are good apartment dogs due to their strong bond with the owner. But hey, it takes effort to look this cute. Dogs are a man’s best friend and having the company of a dog is probably one of the best experiences you will encounter in your life. We know that the best dogs for seniors are small in size, low energy, and low maintenance. By. Because small dog maintenance cost is the lowest compared to any other dogs or young dog.So people prefer small dogs. They’re loyal, tend to do well with kids, and pose a big presence at 120-230 lbs. 10. You may crave canine companionship but do not want the hassle of focusing long on a dog's needs, like exercise, grooming, training, and health care.The truth is that there is no such thing as a maintenance-free dog. The best indoor dog breeds on the larger side should be laid back, good-natured, and not highly active. ), and the fact that they don’t require a lot of exercise. Not all dog breeds do well in small spaces, but here are a few that do. That's why we put together this list of the 18 best dog breeds for you to choose from. Do you want a dog but do not want to put in very much effort? So here we have to give information about the Chihuahua dog with a popular and low maintenance cost. Many people tend to prefer small dogs. Most of us live in smallish homes and apartments, but that does not mean you give up on your dreams of owning a pet. Don t let their sweet eyes you in beagles are famously loud barking dogs who do well with neighbors they were originally bred for hunting vizsla yorkshire terrier. Low maintenance pets for apartments and other living situations not suited for more high-energy animals can be hard to find — but we've got some! American Staffordshire Terrier. Fortunately, that’s totally fine. We’ve added some exotic choices in the mix for those who want to go down that route. Their compact size and low activity needs made them good apartment dogs. Here are a few that fit the bill. Small and not very fond of the outdoors, these dogs are the perfect lazy dog who will be content with following you around the apartment all day as their daily exercise. These big dogs are mellow, kindly, patient and docile. In fact, this could be one of the most perfect dogs for apartment living. Large apartment dog breeds. Chihuahuas are considered perfect apartment dogs because of their tiny stature (which makes them easy to cart around if you’re on the go!