There are an estimated 50,000 individuals in the Galapagos Islands. Best time to visit the Galapagos Islands. Swimming with them is best between the months of December to June when the seas are warmer and calmer, improving the visibility underwater. There are about 50,000 sea lions in the islands. How to See Galapagos Sea Lions. Summing up, the Galapagos offer a wonderful weather in a great neighborhood, and far away from any danger, a once in a lifetime opportunity that some species have taken advantage of.Considering that the endemic species of the Galapagos do not have a way, or a need to leave the islands, visitors will be able to see them any time of the year. Due to the higher amount of precipitation the islands are in full bloom from February to April. The number of Galapagos Sea Lions out there is about 50,000. Physical Characteristics. Temperature is Galapagos is quite stable, remaining on an average temperature of 80°F, on land and underwater. I am traveling with my three sons and sea lions are a priority for everyone. Truthfully, a harder question would be where NOT to see sea lions in San Cristobal, because they’re … Bulls weigh about 550 pounds on average but can reach up to 900 pounds Conservation. One of the biggest threats to the Galapagos Sea Lions is due to El Nino. The traveling sea lions aren’t the first ones to leave the Galapagos Islands to take up residence elsewhere. You can spend hours watching their daily whereabouts. The Galápagos Islands are populated with a whole cast of scene-stealing characters. Galápagos Sea Lions & Galápagos Fur Seals (fur sea lions) are marine mammals found in almost all islands of the archipelago, but not commonly seen everywhere. However, during the peak of the dry season (August & September, and also extending into October) is when most sea lion pups are born. As the seasons in the Galápagos are split into cool and dry (June to November) and warm and wet (December to June), the best time to visit the Galápagos islands depends on what you want to see. If you're wondering when is the best time to go in order to see your favorite animals, use this helpful guide! Answer 1 of 8: I am driving myself (and my family) a little nuts finalizing the Galapagos portion of our Ecuador trip. The Galapagos sea lions diet is mainly fish. The mating season runs from May until January which is a very long breeding period compared to the other species of Sea Lions out there. Hike to a visitor site with a Naturalist and explore their beaches from a safe, respectful distance. Like mammals everywhere, the Galapagos species have cycles of mating, reproduction, looking for food, etc. The Galápagos Sea Lion (Zalophus wollebaeki) is a species of mammal in the Otariidae family. Galapagos sea lions are heavily protected, even though there are about 50,000 of them. El Niño is their biggest threat, as it can result in many of them being killed due to lack of food, the females may not want to mate and many will abandon their offspring. How to See Galapagos Sea Lions. If you are lucky enough to see a Galapagos sea lion underwater, they have been known to swim gracefully around snorkeling outings and …