Blood Parrots are afraid of me? This is not always the case. In my parrot research I learned about a technique called "Power Pause" for birds that sound like yours. I've owned my cockatiel for around a year and a half now, she was hand reared and I've had her since she was little. The first is, “My bird suddenly turned mean,” and the other is, “My bird hates me.” The choice of words depends on how people interpret the fact that their bird has either been aggressive with them or suddenly wants nothing to do with them. Why Is My Cat Suddenly Frightened? Using this approach, you will expose your bird to hands for very short periods during the day, pushing the envelope a tiny bit each time. Thread starter; J-Lee New Member. Cats do not like anybody to know that they are afraid. Here's how to tell if your parakeet is afraid or nervous & how you can help. He's not afraid of hands, fingers, being petted or really … I've had her for about 4 months now and i think she's scared of me because i always stick my finger through the cage wherever she moves :D . A previously brave cat can become nervous seemingly overnight. Oct 26, 2010. Basically you walk into the room the cage is, and as soon as he freaks out, you stop-freeze. My little girl who was not afraid of anything is petrified of every new object she encounters, and don't even THINK about putting a new toy in or near her cage! How to Tell if Your Bird is Unhappy or Stressed – And What to Do ... this behavior is often a sign of stress and fear. Parakeet fear can be easy to detect if you know these few common "tells". My Green Cheek Conure is Scared of Me Many new owners ask – ‘Help, my green cheek baby is scared of me! Your cat is skilled at hiding this fear and trepidation. Parakeet fear can be easy to detect if you know these few common "tells". What do? Sounds like you dont have a handraised ringneck. Desensitize Your Pet Bird’s Fear. ... Oh yea my Parrots are really new I just got them couple dyas ago I actually got them from Wal-Mart & I'm hearing not to great of stuff from them about their fish. I have found the easiest way to get a parrot over a fear of hands is a process called desensitization. Cats project an image of confidence and fearlessness. ... How can we get over this hatred/fear he has? Imagine this: an alien 300 times bigger than you adopts you, … I have tamed two budgies, and own a handraised irn, so some basic advice in addition to what you’ve found online. Here's how to tell if your parakeet is afraid or nervous & how you can help. My cockatiel is suddenly really scared of me. Bird is very afraid of hands, but not of me. We spend every day together for at least 2-3 hours a day cuddling and playing (he even takes naps with me!). When people call me for a parrot behavior consultation, there are two things I hear quite frequently. I really need him to at least tolerate my hands so I can pick him up in case he gets into trouble or we need to go to the vet. My pet cockatiel is really scared of me. I bought my adorable green cheeked Conure almost a year ago and he was a hand fed super friendly little guy (or girl?)! what do I do?’ Green cheek conures scared of their new owners is a common behavioral problem. Izzy has suddenly developed the african grey phobia it seems. Many cats are very nervous by nature. I'm afraid your 29 gallon is severely overstocked. Don't go forward and don't leave. Birds will frequently bite and lunge to try to protect themselves when they are afraid. She was always really close with me and loved scratches and everything, but recently, only 2 days ago, she started behaving weirdly. Mine was pretty calm with me from the first day, but it took 2 months before he got really comfortable with me. When she sees me going towards her she opens her mouth and hisses...whenever i open the door she moves to the corner...when i put my hand in then she flies to the other corner- scared. Birds are so weird with what they're afraid of :/ level 2. cutehulhu.