Population number. The immediate need of the hour is to … Top Ten Facts About Crane Migration. They occur in three groups, the Eastern Group, which migrates from Eastern Siberia to China, the Central Group, which migrates from Western Siberia to India and Nepal, and the Western … Larger numbers of birds have been hunted down over the years especially when they undertake the perilous journeys across the Himalayas to reach the wet land. It makes the longest migrations of any crane species, up to 10,000 miles round trip, and habitat loss along its migration routes is a major cause of the crane's population crisis. In 1995 and 1996 thirteen Siberian cranes (Grus leucogeranus) were fitted with satellite transmitters on the breeding grounds in northeastern Siberia.Eleven of these 13 birds were successfully satellite tracked, and five of these 11 provided complete migratory information from their breeding grounds in Yakutia, Siberia, to their wintering area at Poyang Lake, in China. Would you like to merge this question into it? The Siberian Crane is presently an endangered species. Sudden changes in the climate such as storms and hurricanes, strong current of wind, fog are the causes for the death of a sizeable number of migrants. This has seriously impacted the Crane's migration patterns. The Siberian Crane has a migration pattern that spans 4000 miles from the Russian Arctic to China, India, Nepal and Iran. Sometimes man-made high tours and light houses cause the death of migratory birds. Answers.com ® Categories Animal Life Birds What is the duration of migration of Siberian crane? Download FREE Siberian Crane images. already exists as an alternate of this question. iii. Cranes are associated with lakes, such that the Sanskrit word for crane ‘sarasa’ is derived from Saras, meaning, lake or pond. MERGE CANCEL. Hunting in Pakistan and Afghanistan during migration affects them as well. There is a potential threat that Siberian Cranes could be shot accidentally. Their plumage is pure white, except for some wing feathers, which are black. March 7, 2018 in Black-necked Crane, Blue Crane, Demoiselle Crane, East Asia, Grey Crowned Crane, Hooded Crane, Newsroom, North America, Red-crowned Crane, Sandhill Crane, Sarus Crane, Siberian Crane, South-Southeast Asia, Sub-saharan Africa, Wattled Crane, White-naped Crane According to the IUCN Red List, the total population size of the Siberian crane is 3,500-4,000 individuals. As an example, we give the details for ID 21627 tracked in 1995 ( Table 2 and Fig. Most threats to the Siberian Cranes are assumed to happen when they are migrating south for the winter. 5. This popular visitor has not been seen in the last two years in India. This has led to a severe decline in the number of Siberian Cranes in the world.