I asked a friend of mine what it meant and she said it was his "love bites". Okay, so while I'm not really sure of how my answer will play out…I LOVE THIS QUESTION! she starts rubbing her chin on me, licking my hair and before long digs her teeth into my scalp. Da Bird or other teaser toys are a great choice. August 28, 2014. According to Dr. Herron, this behavior is something that domestic cats share with their wild counterparts. Why Does My Cat Do This? Jessesmom: Also, when he bites your head, make a high pitched noise, like 'OW!' A cat love bite can certainly be a result of overstimulation. Give your kitten 15 minutes of active play several times a day with an interactive toy. They could be “licking for a certain period of time, then using their incisors to get a particular area. You are not alone and all enquires are most welcome. Every time our cat gets comfortable he bites anything thats around like a blanket or whatever but prefers fabric materials while he kneads away. If your vet has ruled out any medical explanation for biting, make sure your cat has a daily outlet for predatory playing. If you're consistent with this, he'll associate not having your company with his biting of your head and hands, when you try to remove him, and he should stop. So just what is this behavior all about? The behavior that is often described by cat parents as “heat butting” is actually head bunting. Although it may not be as startling as the bone-crushing head butt, you usually end up with a mouthful of cat hair. “The head butting is actually something that we call bunting.” Your cat may choose to groom you, your hand or face or head… “Cats do this to deposit facial pheromones on people or objects in their environment,” explains Dr. Herron. Your cat may make that a far reality as they have this urge to hunt rodents and insects at the wee hours and cry out in elation on success and sheer frustration if they have a failed attempt. A cat who head-rubs your face with wide open eyes close to your face pays you a huge compliment in terms of trust by placing herself in a vulnerable position. Often playful biting of hands or feet occurs simply because your cat is bored, and is looking for a play object. Ginger cat kneading. Cat love bites can also be unintentional, as part of the cat’s grooming process. They use rubbing with friendly cats, not with strangers. i managed to get a pic of her doing it friday and if i can figure out how to post it, i will. my older cat does that when she wants me to get up so she can sit wherever i am. Head Bunting and Allorubbing Behavior in Cats. Guest post by Harry Shubin. You’re petting your cat, your cat is purring ... and she nibbles you! We can't know for sure, but cats tend to scent-mark objects that are most important to them. The cat headbutt is not when cats stick their heads into another cat’s butt, although that could be another amusing definition. This stuff always seems to come in clusters. “Every human should play with their cat for ten minutes every day with a feather or cat nip toy so they can ‘kill’ it,” Foote said. Cats recognize each other by scent first and foremost,” said Pam Johnson-Bennett, a cat behavior expert and author of seven books on cat behavior. ... My cat snuggles up and buries his head in my neck. Does anybody else have this cat biting while kneading thing going on. I spent some time counseling the first foster about why his cat was biting him. If you have asked yourself the question Why does my cat bite me when I stroke it and you would like to discuss this or any cat behaviour issues please don’t hesitate to email Anita Kelsey, Cat Behaviour Practitioner, on info@catbehaviourist.com. It freaked me … How to Stop a Cat from Biting (And Train a Kitten Not to!) to let him know he hurt you, and then get up and pick him up, put him on the floor, and leave the room. Petting Aggression in Cats: Biting the Hand They Love. Categories: Feline Behavior. My 2 year old cat Shamie does the gentle biting on my hand too. Cat Love Bites — What Do They Mean and Why Do They Happen? Head bunting, which most of us have been mistakenly referring to as head butting, is a way for cats to exchange scents so that everyone in their environment—their colony—smells the same.