They would have had to pay a tax with no representation. After Johnny is cleared of the charges, he tries to sell the cup to Lyte, but Lyte steals it from him. Being a leader and a protector is a huge part of who Rab is. 1. Johnny Tremain is a fourteen-year-old silversmith’s apprentice. The first battles of the War of Independence takes place near Boston. What does the man speaking at the last meeting of the committee say why the colonists should fight against the British? They disliked paying a tax when they were not represented in Parliament. So he starts delivering the newspaper and gets caught […] Boston, 1773. Many important figures of the American Revolution lived in Boston. How do the colonists attack the British on their way back to Boston? and find homework help for other Johnny Tremain questions at eNotes Lieutenant Stranger sees Johnny preparing Smith’s horses and tells Johnny that he wants to teach him how to jump with a horse. The action takes place within the Lapham home and silversmith shop. People disagree on the exact requirements for historical fiction, but Johnny Tremain fits … It is morning in Boston. help. The setting in Chapter Two of Johnny Tremain is colonial Boston, MA just before the start of the Revolutionary War. Unanswered Questions. What is Johnny Tremain's occupation? 1. Winner of the 1943 Newbery Medal, the novel is an outstanding example of historical fiction. Johnny Tremain, by Esther Forbes, is set in Boston between 1773 and 1775. A building where cereal grain is converted into malt by soaking it in water, allowing it to sprout and then drying it to stop further growth. Why did people of Boston refuse the tea? 3. 3. When and where does the movie take place? New User? Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. Johnny Tremain Answer Key 1. Lavinia Lyte came to the shop to place an order with the Laphams and was once again captivated by Isannah. (Johnny yells it out) Where does the first conflict between the colonists and the British take place? Home Johnny Tremain Q & A What other activity takes place ... Johnny Tremain What other activity takes place in the attic? it never mentions in the book in what year it takes place, but the book seems to take place in England. Johnny Tremain: Chapter 9 . Asked by Bella G #689050 on 9/28/2017 2:29 PM Last updated by Aslan on 9/28/2017 5:36 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. Log In To Your GradeSaver Account. During which war does Johnny Tremain take place? Johnny Tremain Summary and Analysis of Chapter 1. Johnny Tremain, published in 1943 but set in 1773-1775, is a work of historical fiction, meaning that it's set in the real world but either prior to the author's birth or outside living memory. Rab was so self-contained. Did Johnny Tremain take place before the civil war? Unanswered Questions. 2. Their names are Dove, Dusty Miller, and Johnny Tremain, and they sleep in the attic. Why did people of Boston refuse the tea?