The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) is responsible for policy development, planning, resource management and program evaluation. Rising Star. National Safety Council President and CEO Lorraine Martin presented a special recognition to Honorable Lucian Niemeyer, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Energy, Installations and Environment, and the Department's Designated Agency Safety and Health Official in … The Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) (abbreviated as ASN M&RA) is a civilian office in the United States Department of the Navy.The Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) reports to the Under Secretary of the Navy who in turn reports to the United States Secretary of the Navy.. Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy International Programs It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy . Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment, Mr. Peter Potochney Mr. Peter Potochney began his Department of Defense civilian employment in 1984 as the Deputy Director of the Installations Assistance Office-East, Marietta, GA, responsible for installation management issues. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for International Programs (DASN(IP)) is an office of the United States Department of the Navy. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. DASD (Research) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Research DASD (RF) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Rapid Fielding (See Chapter 9 Figure 9-3 DASD Rapid Fielding Organization) DASD (SE) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Systems Engineering DASN(IP) Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for International Programs The DASN(IP) reports to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition, and serves as the principal adviser to the assistant secretary on issues involving international programs.. The Honorable Mr. Sean J. Burke, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Sustainment, left, tours Marine Depot Maintenance Command’s production plant during his visit to Marine Corps Logistics Command while at Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany, Georgia, Feb. 11. WASHINGTON (NNS) -- Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus named retired Brig. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Management and Budget (DASN M&B) is a civilian office in the United States Department of the Navy serving as the principal adviser to the Assistant Secretary for Research, Development and Acquisition on issues involving programming, planning, budgeting, acquisition programmatics, analysis, and Congressional liaison issues. The current DASN(IP) is Rear Admiral Frank Morley. Gustavus Fox was the first to hold the post, serving throughout the Civil War. Mr. Frederick J. In this role, he is responsible for executive oversight of all naval shipbuilding programs, major ship conversions, and the modernization and disposal of inservice ships. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Air Programs (DASN (Air)) is a civilian office in the United States Department of the Navy. Cindy Shaver is the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Procurement) in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisition). The DASN (Air) reports to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition , and serves as the principal adviser to the Assistant Secretary on issues involving aircraft, sea-based cruise missiles, air-launched weapons and other airborne … The DASN monitors and advises the assistant secretary on programs managed by the Naval Sea Systems Command, PEO Ships, PEO … The current DASN(IP) is Rear Admiral Frank Morley. ASN (RDA) Functions: The Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition serves as the Navy Acquisition Executive. The Assistant Secretary was responsible for the Navy's civilian personnel, as well as for administration of shore facilities (such as naval bases and shipyards). The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for International Programs (DASN(IP)) is an office of the United States Department of the Navy. The DASN(IP) reports to the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisition, and serves as the principal adviser to the assistant secretary on issues involving international programs.. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Ship Programs (DASN Ships) serves as the principal adviser to the Assistant Secretary for Research, Development and Acquisition on issues involving surface ships, submarines and associated weapon systems..