faded black wing tips and one or two small spots; known as 'cabbage whites' after their favourite caterpillar food plants Insect aside. This one was some kind of insect. Click to continue> Braconid Wasp (Callibracon sp) This Braconid Wasp has orange head with black eyes. Paper wasps can be identified by their slender bodies and long legs, which hang beneath them during flight. It was much longer than the insect’s body. Insect aside. We’ve had 5 in the last 2 days. 18.03.2011 An interactive PDF Key to Odonata is now available for download.. 12.04.2010 The virtual bugs have been removed from the Heteroptera key, so … The National Pest Management Association reports that stinging insects send more than half a million people to the emergency room every year. The St mark's fly, or 'Hawthorn fly, is a very common, long, shiny, black fly that can be found in large numbers during the spring around woodland edges, fields and wetlands. It may be the rarest insect in the United States. Other studies on insect flight have revealed an interesting fact, high atmospheric oxygen is conducive to the appearance of gigantic insects. Scientific name: Amblyomma maculatum. Another huge European hornet spotted as anxious British public seek solace from extremely aggressive two-inch insects that feed on BEES I’ve read about the great black wasp so I wonder if that is the only type of black wasp. Rhagionidae are medium to large flies with slender bodies and stilt-like legs. Spotlight species: small white butterfly. For the most part, however, bees aren’t what they should be worried about. The thorax is black, and the abdomen is black above and white on the flanks and underside. The Australian paper wasp (P. humilis) is reddish and brown with some narrow yellow trim. The one that I killed and hour ago caught my attention because of the loud buzzing it made while flying around. Since these red wasps seemed to keep to themselves, I stood back and observed. It looked like a wasp, but had an amazingly long tail. Scientific name: Euthyrhynchus floridanus. Flying Insect Identification Guide They are called ensign wasps because they have a small compressed, black abdomen that they often move up and down (it seems as if they were signaling with a small flag). In particular, we’ve been invaded by one type of insect that I get questions about all the time. Gulf Coast Tick. Instead, it’s the wasps and hornets who give people the most trouble. They have three pairs of legs, two pairs of wings and are 1/4 to 3/4 inch long. I’ve read about the great black wasp so I wonder if that is the only type of black wasp. Gnats are also attracted to decaying organic material, wheres fruit flies only feed on produce. It is likely to be seen only at our Auckland and Whangarei sites. The Chinese paper wasp (P. chinensis) is yellow and black, but appears skinnier than the Vespula wasps. Florida Predatory Stinkbug. On the coast here in Cornwall they’re everywhere, getting blown into the long grasses and paired up as shown left. At this time of year, for a couple of weeks, there are lots of large, black flies flying around with their legs dangling down. their long dangly legs hanging beneath them as they go. — That’s the typical screeching reaction people have at the sight of a yellow-and-black flying insect. 18.03.2011 An interactive PDF Key to Odonata is now available for download.. 12.04.2010 The virtual bugs have been removed from the Heteroptera key, so …