Pretty much all the first party Nintendo games on the GC were pretty solid and enjoyable. Email. Any 007-style game, Timesplitters 2 is the best by far but Agent Under Fire, Nightfire, and Goldeneye Rogue Agent are all great. Pikmin 2. Share. Custom Robo. what are the best co-op games for the gc? ill be using them for multiplayer and co-op. Pin. 3. what are the best co-op games for the gc? Emulated local multiplayer and the Nintendo WiFi Connection. Timesplitters 2 is great for split-screen multiplayer on the GameCube. F-Zero GX and Super Smash Brothers Melee are the two best games you could get on the gamecube. Visit the post for more. UPDATE: The G2A code I purchased was definitely bought with a stolen credit card, which was charged back. Play your favorite Gamecube games right away with these best GameCube Emulators that we have specially compiled for you. Pikmin 2 A lot of people prefer the sequel, Rebel Strike, but few games have ever made me sit down with a console at launch and say “holy shit this is next-gen” like Rogue Leader did. Top 10 Lists: The Top 10 Gamecube Multiplayer Games. Anyone who's played the multiplayer games the Gamecube has to offer has to admit: the Gamecube has the best offline multiplayer games this generation. This is the second in my series of SEO-baiting articles revealing my favourite games of all time. It's hard to believe Nintendo's compact box with a handle is in the realm of being considered classic. Share. The best 18 Multiplayer games for Nintendo Switch daily generated by our specialised A.I. Those are the best of the best on the Gamecube in my opinion. My gamecube collection isnt the most impressive so I need your help. Sin and Punishment, Mischief Makers, and Gunstar Heroes are some of their more notable titles. It lets Mario throw some nasty slime over the enemies to disable them and finally complete the levels. Here are the 35 best GameCube games. Because of game’s throwback at the classic titles, it offers linear bonus levels as well. Its library may not be as packed as some of its competitors, but the GameCube has many classic games. Not all the games on this list are exclusive, but most of … comparing over 40 000 video games across all platforms. Its a fun diversion, but best played in multiplayer with friends, this GameCube port is a little downgraded from the XBox. This emulator does not support multiplayer modes. Welcome back to the Definitive 50. With that in mind, we decided to compile a list of the best Nintendo GameCube games ever made. I own(ed) well over a thousand dollars in games purchased directly through the eShop. Do try all of them. Download / Info. Some of the best platforming of all time also) With the rise of online gaming, couch co op games … The 30 best GameCube games. Nintendo support told me to provide proof that I have received a refund and they will unban my account. The controls are fluid enough, but they have some interesting "features" that can be counterintuitive (why can't i one-time a cleared ball from my own … Ikaruga (The number 1 Shmup in a lot of peoples opinions) Skies Of Arcadia Legends . ill be using them for multiplayer and co-op. i want to grab a couple soon and not sure which ones to get. Very few games are as exhilarating as F-Zero GX, and to this day I pray for a Wii U remake or sequel with online multiplayer. See how well critics are rating the Best GameCube Video Games of All Time Super Mario Sunshine (One of the better Mario games IMO. [WSIB] Fun Gamecube games for at least two players My friends and I bought a Gamecube and we really enjoy playing some Mario Kart: Double Dash & Super Mario Bros Melee. If you've played even just half of those games, you can probably see why I say the Gamecube has the best offline multiplayer of the systems this generation, possibly even of all time. Whew. Super Monkey Ball 1… The game has you and (hopefully) three friends shooting and slashing your way through legions of bad guys whilst finding new weapons and leveling up. Strap in and hold on, for the next 50 weeks we’ll be chatting about Nintendo’s purple lunchbox.