Students use their beginning map skills to locate the Arctic Circle and Antarctica. If polar bears and penguins lived together, polar bears would eat the penguins. No, polar bears and penguins do not live together for 2 reasons. On the other hand, the penguin (such as the emperor penguins) live in the Anartic areas (or south poles) that are at the bottom of the world. Though polar bears are an artic species and some penguins are artic they do not live together. Of course not. Penguins live in Antarctica near the South Pole. This is a common misconception that polar bears and penguins live together, but they live on opposite poles. Polar Bears Arctic, Penguins Antarctic. 2. But this is a secondary point. If polar bears and penguins lived together, polar bears would eat the penguins. Polar bears live in the icy regions of the North, the Arctic. Credits: photo on left by Ansgar Walk via Wikimedia Commons; photo on right by Aquarium Explorer in Residence Brian Skerry Polar bears are found in the Arctic Circle region of the Northern Hemisphere. They cannot escape if they cannot fly—not at least from polar bears. The main point is that polar bears live in the Arctic, which is the northern circumpolar region. Really, in a nutshell that is the answer. Polar Bears eat seals. Penguins only live in the southern hemisphere while polar bears live strictly in the North. Penguins also live in parts of South America. But this is a secondary point. Asked by Ursula Block. Penguins live in the South, the Antarctic. World record polar bear: The world's largest polar bear was recorded in 1960 in Alaska weighing 2210 pounds. There are 17 species of penguin… Really, in a nutshell that is the answer. Polar bears cannot live in the warmer temperatures, but certain species of penguins like African and little penguins can live in tropical regions. Do reindeer live at the North Pole? They are even kept apart in the zoo so the penguins do not eat the polar bears. Polar bears have the north and penguins have the south be it the coast (and islands) of South America, the coast (and islands) of Africa and Antartica. You’ll not find polar bears and penguins together - polar bears live in the Arctic but not in the Antarctic. The only way a penguin and a polar bear can live together is if they're at the zoo. Polar bears live in the Arctic near the North Pole. And no, not all penguins are cold weather penguins. And let’s face it, if the two were to inhabit the same place we would very soon end up with some very fat polar bears and a rapidly declining penguin population.