A panda bear predicts good fortune and health. Far away in the yard, still very large & sleeping soundly. A golden bear reflects your inner values. Koala Bear Energy The Koala is not actually a bear, but we call it that so much that it does have significant energies tied to Bear Symbolism and Bear Spirit Animal. How will these creations co-exist? Since bears are the largest land carnivores in both Europe and the Americas, they have attained a status as ferocious beasts. Positive Traits of the Bear Spirit Animal. Polar Bear Symbols ~ Acceptance, Surrender, Invisibility With the bear as your spirit animal, you are most likely a person who is a leader by nature and has the power and ability to organize and lead other people towards the right direction in life. You … The bear symbolism, just like the black jaguar symbolism, invites you to be in touch with the earth, and to understand the cycles of nature to experience healing in your body, mind, and spirit. More Animal Symbolism Bear Symbolism Bear . The world will respect your courage. Bear is a popular symbolical and spiritual animal. Every species of bear uses a cave or den during their lives be it for hibernation, … Having a Polar Bear as Your Spirit Animal (Totem Animal) To have a polar bear as your totem animal signifies that you are fierce, strong, adaptable and also playful.Just as a polar bear survives in harsh climatic conditions, you too, do not complain and know how to tackle adverse situations. In the mythology of the Inuit, polar bear spirit animal is known “Nanook”. The bear spirit animal, like all the other totems, bears meaning and guidance from the spiritual world. The bear totem gives you much power. Bear Totem, Spirit Animal. They are actually omnivores; they eat fruit, nuts, honey, and meat. The bear spirit animal has been worshipped throughout time because of its raw power and strength, serving as an inspiration for big and small animals to be brave and stand up against adversity. I ended up waking up and running down the hall, only to see a polar bear outside my window. It’s not surprising because the polar-bear symbolism represents strength and endurance, as well as acceptance and surrender. Chinese: There is evidence about early bear spirit animal worship in China and among the Ainu culture. Polar Bear as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal can help! The Polar Bear represents the ability to express tough love, and yet, being tender when the moment calls for it. In feng shui the bear totem is viewed as a protector of the home and people. Polar bear symbolism is of a deep protective nature. Symbolic Meaning Of Polar Bear. Delve deeply in Bear symbolism and meaning to find out how this Animal Spirit Guide can support, strengthen, and empower you. In other words, the polar bear asks you to look beyond what is seen with the natural eye and discern. Find out the true meaning and symbolism of the polar-bear in this special spirit animal analysis. Master Polar Bear has come to help you walk and swim the duality with grace.