Bearded Dragon Upper Respiratory Infection Treatment Raise Cage Temperatures Slightly. Treatment Treating a respiratory infection requires two things: an immediate evaluation of the day and night temperatures in the reptile's enclosure, with additional heat sources added or broken/malfunctioning equipment replaced, and the attention of a reptile vet who will evaluate the reptile for systemic antibiotics and fluid replacement. They can develop a RI for many reasons like incorrect temperatures, stress, a weakened immune system or virus. Your bearded dragon has, at this point,... Give Them a Slurry with Serrapeptase. A reptile vet can provide accurate diagnosis and correct treatment, probably requiring medication. If you suspect that your bearded dragon is suffering from respiratory disease, you should take them to a reptile vet immediately. Your dragon may be given … Bearded dragons develop respiratory infection due to a number of reasons such as incorrect lightning and temperature, high humidity, prolonged psychological stress and poor captive conditions. If you can, try and avoid any bearded dragon disease. Bearded Dragon Upper Respiratory Infection Treatment. If your bearded dragon is demonstrating any of the bolded symptoms above, I HIGHLY recommend you get them to a vet ASAP. Pneumonia and most other respiratory infections in reptiles are caused by bacteria. Essentially a miracle ingredient for helping URIs,... Elevate Your Beardie to Help Drain Mucous. However, the most common cause is usually humidity that is too high or temperatures that is too low. In some cases, however, viruses, fungal infections, or parasites may be to blame. Bearded Dragon Respiratory Infection Prevention. Temperature and Humidity Levels Loss of appetite when combined with other symptoms. The bearded dragon is a well-known lizard currently considered one of the best pet lizards. Wheezing or popping noise when breathing. While I was desperate to find something to cure my bearded dragon of an upper respiratory infection, without having to go to the vet (which I don't recommend unless there are no nearby vets with herp specialties). If they are well looked after, with a good diet and proper environment, bearded dragons are reasonably hardy animals. I think it was caused by too high humidity and … If you suspect that your bearded dragon is suffering from a URI, then obviously your first step of action should be to get them to the vet ASAP! Bearded dragon yellow fungus is an extremely contagious infection, also known as CANV (Chrysosporium anamorph of Nannizziopsis vriesii).This flesh-eating fungus works from the inside out and can infect any reptile species, but the most common are bearded dragons, leopard geckos, green iguanas, veiled chameleons, uromastyx, and Chinese water dragons. Determining the severity of a pet’s condition, which types of microorganisms are involved, and the appropriate treatment regimen may require blood work, X … If left untreated for a long time, it can result in blood infection or septicemia. Common healthconditions of pet bearded dragons include metabolic bone disease,infectious stomatitis (mouth rot), parasites, respiratory infections, andadenovirus infection. As a bearded dragon owner, it is better for your dragon and easier for you to work on the principle of prevention always being better than a cure. Lack of energy when combined with other symptoms. Sneezing or snorting. Respiratory infection (RI) and treatment. Causes Metabolic bone disease usually requires immediate oral calcium supplementation, rehydration with fluids, nutritional support, treatment with injectable vitamin D 3, and injections of calcitonin (a drug which helps re-deposit calcium back into bearded dragons’ bones). Bearded Dragon Respiratory Infection Bearded dragons rarely get respiratory infections, however if they are exposed to low temperatures, high humidity, and/or an incorrect habitat – respiratory infections can occur. [TOPIC AUTO-LOCKED DUE TO INACTIVITY] Hello, My adult male Beardie, has a possible upper respiratory infection (He has; labored breathing, holding mouth agape, excessive production of saliva, sleeping vertical, hissing/huffing sounds accompany his labored breathing, coughs occasionally, he's got some crusty stuff on the inside of his mouth.) Bearded dragon respiratory infections can be very tricky to treat and require supportive care during treatment. Mucus around the mouth and nostrils. Bearded dragons can suffer from lower or upper respiratory infections with pneumonia the most commonly. Bearded Dragon Respiratory Infection Symptoms. A veterinarian will tentatively diagnose a respiratory infection based on an animal’s history, clinical signs, and physical exam.