Lions live in social groups called prides. Males associate with the pride only during mating and large kills. To many people, these two lion-subspecies resemble each other. There are approximately 600 Asiatic lions left in the Gir Forest of Western India, their last remaining natural habitat. One of the seven sub-species of lions found on earth, the Asiatic lion is an endangered species found in the Gir National Park of Gujarat. These big cats are at top of the food chain and have no natural predator. The Gir Forest's dry teak woods were once a royal hunting ground. The Habitat Of Lions. Lion usually kills by a strangling throat hold or by clamping its mouth over the muzzle of the prey. Other big cats that inhabit India include the clouded leopard, snow leopard, Indian leopard and Bengal tiger. Behavior. Let us have a look. Habitat. Asiatic lions, like their African cousins, are highly social animals. They like the hot places like the Sahara in Africa and the dryer regions. Asiatic lions once prowled from the Middle East to India. Lions are found in Africa in various habitats including woodlands, deserts, plains, and savannas. They live in prides of up to 5 females. The majority of a lion's scavenged meals come from animals killed by … Asiatic lions once prowled from the Middle East to India. The first sub-species is the African lion that dwells in Southern and Central Africa. Lions Live in groups called prides and find a place to live for the rest thir lives. Sometimes lions hunt hippopotamuses, young elephants and baboons. Other big cats that inhabit India include the clouded leopard, snow leopard, Indian leopard and Bengal tiger. Their recovery from 2 to >500 occupying 13,000 km2 of agro-pastoral Saurashtra landscape, Gujarat, India is an enigma. Asiatic lions typify most challenges faced by large carnivores: single population, historical bottlenecks, habitat loss, poaching, and conflict with humans. Diet Lions are hypercarnivores , which means their … Amazing facts about Asiatic lions. Asian lions are slightly smaller than African lions. However, upon close examination, you will discover that they exhibit noticeable differences in diet, habitat … The Asian Lion (Panthera leo persica) is a subspecies of the lion which survives today only in India and therefore it is also known as the Indian lion. The main studies were of the habitat, availability of wild and domestic prey, food habits based on faecal analysis, lion predation on domestic stock, the inter-relations between lions and people living in the area, lion population dynamics and general behaviour. Distribution. Asian Lions once ranged from the Mediterranean to India, covering most of Southwest Asia where it was also known as the Persian Lion. The females are the ones that hunt while the male take care of the cubs. The Gir Forest's dry teak woods were once a royal hunting ground. The Asiatic lion is a big cat and lion subspecies that can only be found in Gujarat, India. However, while lions are occasionally found in deserts and woodlands, they prefer to live in savannas and grassy plains. Occasionally, lions become man-eaters when they are injured or old or when other prey is unavailable. There are only several hundred Asiatic lions in the wild, and they only live in the Gir Forest, India, in an area that is smaller than Greater London. Though we edit our accounts for accuracy, we cannot guarantee all information in those accounts. Wiki User July 02, 2009 6:12PM. Key facts. The Lion-tailed macaque is endemic and native exclusively to Western Ghats (India). There are currently less than 500 Asiatic lions living in the wild. Lions are mainly found in Africa but can also be seen in India and parts of Asia. Lions prefer scavenging over hunting, and over half of a lion's diet consists of scavenged foods. The proverbial ‘king of the beasts,’ the lion has been one of the best-known wild animals since earliest times. Is it a fact that African lions are very sociable cats? The classic lion pride consists of 2 to 12 closely related females and their cubs. The Asiatic Lion once roamed throughout Arabia, Asia Minor, Persia and India. In recent years, the government of India has been working hard to address the decline in their population. The other one is the Asiatic lion found in Gir forest, India. Lions are most active at night and live in a variety of habitats but prefer grassland, savanna, dense scrub, and open woodland. This place is the Gir Forests of Gujarat, India. The Asiatic Lion once roamed throughout Arabia, Asia Minor, Persia and India. As a result of its shy and solitary nature, this animal doesn't tend to venture from its usual range, travelling only within its rainforest habitat.