I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about the potentials of catfish farming in Nigeria, and how it is capable of making you millions of Naira. Catfish is really popular in Nigeria and it’s commonly known as “Point and kill”due to the fact that it’s mostly killed when it’s about to be cooked. The fastest way to clean a catfish. How to Start Catfish farming in Nigeria. Man has consumed fish from time immemorial as food and today, fish is a very important part of man’s diet across all continents of the world. Profitable Fish Breeding throughout Nigeria. There are several catfish farmers in Nigeria today, so getting catfish(raw material) to smoke-dry is not a problem. In 1992, the production of the African catfish had already exceeded 1,235 tons, and 71.3% of this number, i.е. How to clean a catfish quickly and easily without skinning them. The export of catfish is expected to be diligently explored and exploited. Are you thinking of going into catfish farming? This is a great benefit, as plenty of other fish types aren't so much used because of that reason. In Nigeria, it is popularly known as ” point and kill ”. How to start dried and smoked catfish business in Nigeria. In Nigeria, there are a number of other small farms that grow mainly small amounts of catfish (no more than 50 tons per year). Once licensing is achieved, knowing the demand for freshwater catfish can … Written By Unknown on Wednesday, 3 October 2012 | 15:38. Smoked catfish business is an opportunity waiting to be tapped. Worldinherit Farm Nig Ent NIGERIA - Aquaculture catfish producer and fish feed manufacturer. NIGERIA - We sell clean, big and tasty Abuja Catfish that are not common in our area of operation, Apata, in Ibadan. All you need to start this business is skill and determination. Venturing into dried and smoked catfish business is indeed a big business with unimaginable potentials as those doing it are making serious money from it already. ... Wash in clean water. The fastest way to clean a catfish. A 'read' is counted each time someone views a publication summary (such as the title, abstract, and list of authors), clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the full-text. Contact Us; Formulation of Local Catfish Feed September (18) Who We Are. I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about the potentials of Agriculture, especially catfish farming and poultry farming in Nigeria, and how it is capable of employing millions of people. Are you thinking of going into an Agribusiness? Catfish is used in homes, hotels, restaurants bars, relaxation spots, joints, etc. You can do it in fifteen seconds or less. You could start from home, in your backyard. The selling of catfish begins by knowing the licensing and guidelines for anyone interested in selling this hot commodity. Catfish farming is one of striving agribusinesses nowadays. African Catfish, Clarias gariepinus, is a very resilient and prolific fresh water fish. There are several catfish farmers in Nigeria today, so getting catfish to smoke is not a problem.