Customer ID Card (Back) Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. For Providers. Verification of Benefits; Pre-Treatment Review; Spinal Surgery Form; Allegiance Provider Powerpoint; Cigna Medical Policy; Pre-Treatment Review/Pre-Certification Process For Providers For claims, benefits and authorizations: Call CIGNA: 1-800-235-7748 24/7. Contact details for Health care providers. Selecting these links will take you away from Refer to the tables in the November 2010 issue of Network News ( > Health Professionals > Newsletters) for new addresses and fax numbers. The Cigna name, logos, and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc. Cigna-HealthSpring is contracted with Medicare for PDP plans, HMO and PPO plans in select states, and with select State Medicaid programs. Cigna STAR+PLUS providers can access resources, claims, authorizations, and more through Cigna's secure provider portal. ... Cigna Global Health Benefits® group medical and dental plans are insured or administered by Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company. Contact Cigna Customer Service at 1 (800) 997-1654 or visit this page to find specific phone numbers for plan and coverage questions or a claims mailing address. If you submit paper medical claims or correspondence to CIGNA, note that some mailing addresses and fax numbers have changed effective January 1, 2011. Online information at your fingertips. EXPERTS IN THE FIELD. Search for in-network providers, procedures, cost estimates, and more. You recently received a communication regarding a required training on misdirected claims for Cigna-HealthSpring. Review your spending account balances, contributions, and withdrawals, all in one place. Cigna makes it easy for health care providers to submit claims, with EDI vendors and easy clean claim requirements. ... Cigna makes it easy for health care providers to submit claims using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Electronic Data Interchange Vendors. Cigna Claims Department phone number or Customer Service phone number: 1 … Join our network of health care providers. Are you a plan member? Just go to your personal webpages. We have more than 365,000 providers who will accept direct payment in over 200 different countries and jurisdictions and you can communicate with us in 170 languages. Get in touch with the right person to answer your queries. • When submitting claims please be sure to check the back of the customer’s ID card • The field “Medical Claims” will provide you with the correct claims address to mail in the claim. Manage Spending Accounts. As a trusted member of our care networks, we deeply appreciate the quality of care you provide to Boilermakers National Health and Welfare Fund participants. Do not duplicate or distribute. Selecting these links will take you away from Enrollment in Cigna-HealthSpring depends on contract renewal. MISDIRECTED CLAIMS. For Cigna paper claims mailing address please check the back side of the member ID card or you can submit claims to the following Cigna Claims address: PO Box 182223. ... See a list of your most recent claims, their status, and reimbursements. Based upon your feedback and in an effort to ease the burden on our provider partners we are revising the previous guidance. If you have any questions or would like more information about joining our network, please contact us. Automate your claims process and save. Chattanooga, TN 37422-72223. JavaScript is required For the best experience on htmlWebpackPlugin.options. ... With out network of 1.5 million health care providers, you will be in very good company. Find useful Medicare information and tools to assist Cigna health care providers in providing better care for patients.