When Jesus talks about "another" advocate, he means "beside himself" (Note that the use of "another" in John 14 occurs before the use of "the advocate" in John 16, so "another" in John 14 cannot mean a second one as well as the one in John 16.) In turn, the Advocate gives us the wisdom to discern the truth, the strength to choose to live according to it, and the confidence to proclaim and defend the truth. From: Come, Creator Spirit If we take account of the various contexts in which the word is used, in the Bible and elsewhere, Paraclete can mean intercessor or advocate (as when it is applied to Christ in 1 John 2:1), or else consoler, as is clear from the verb and the corresponding noun that in fact means to console and consolation:… Verse 1b says, "And if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." In The Advocate: The Spirit of Truth, Father Andrew Apostoli brilliantly examines the work of the Holy Spirit in our personal lives. Advocate (7 Occurrences) John 14:16 And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Advocate to be for ever with you--the Spirit of truth. Its advocate concedes that Ridicule, to be a test of Truth, must not impose on us circumstances which are foreign to the object. Benjamin Franklin Wasn't a Fan of advocate Synonym Discussion of advocate. How to use advocate in a sentence. He discusses how the Holy Spirit dispels ignorance, corrects errors, and opposes falsehood. To have the Holy Spirit as our Paraclete is to have God Himself indwelling us as believers. In its wider context, it speaks of comfort, of protection, of counsel, and of guidance. A perfect understanding who the spirit of truth is. This then occurred, according to Jesus' word, when … 05 | Jesus Christ The Righteous An Advocate. The above examples show that Paul’s treatment of the “Spirit” and “truth” are perfectly consistent with a reading of Christ’s own identification of the Advocate as “the spirit of truth” in John ch.14-16. The spirit of truth is the eyes of the Holy Spirit which is a extension of the mind of God made manifest in the flesh. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth. The definition of “Advocate” is a word used in the realm of religion, quite often in the position of defense or defending an individual that may not be able to help themselves. In The Advocate: The Spirit of Truth, Father Andrew Apostoli brilliantly examines the work of the Holy Spirit in our personal lives. Question: "What does it mean that the Holy Spirit is our Paraclete?" Unlike conventional textbooks, Spirit of Truth gives you a full year of varied lesson plans, allowing you to create an active learning environment that engages your students while helping them to improve knowledge retention.