Individual rat snakes' life expectancies vary according to environmental factors and according to species and subspecies. I’ve done some research and, accidents or illness aside, Ball Pythons live a long time for a pet. With proper dietary care and housing, a captive rat snake can live more than 30 years. I really want a snake but my roomates are terrified of them. Living between 3 to 10 years in captivity, these snakes generally do not grow to any great size, reaching about three feet with a very narrow girth. Most snakes are “head shy” and perceive a touch on the head as a threat. How long do garter snakes live? And do they make good pets? Questions About Ribbon Snakes in Captivity Ribbon snakes are supposed to be less than satisfactory captives, but an encounter with some Northern Ribbon Snakes made me rethink that view. I’ve come to learn that snakes tend to live quite a few years, but exactly how long does a Ball Python live to be? Pine snakes are relatively long lived snakes. This means that with proper care, they can live a long life with you. No pet owner wants to lose their pet after having them for just a few years. Garter Snakes in Captivity – Diet and Species Accounts – Part 4. Do not touch the top of your milk snake’s head. Keeping Snakes in Captivity and Selling Snakes Keeping snakes in captivity is wrong to me if there is not active research being done that can help the species and/or help mankind. So, how long do Ball Pythons live? It varies from species to species, with smaller species tending to have shorter lifespans than larger species. This quirk in their husbandry may explain why captives often fail to live as long as might be expected. Snake Substrate and Housing. Because of their massive size, pine snakes require a lot of space to keep them comfortable. If you’re a biologist keeping snakes for research – great. Be sure to watch out for common signs of illness in snakes: What If Your Milk Snake Gets Sick? Milk snakes usually live around 10-15 years in captivity. Do they … They can live upwards of 20 years in captivity. Some snakes go into hibernation during the winter because of the cold temperature and the lack of food. What about the snakes in captivity? Minor variations in longevity may exist between species and captive care variables would of course influence life span. With that considered, a wild rat snake lives on average 10 to 15 years.