Golden, black, brown and white marks are distinctive. A large shorebird of pastures, open ground, and mudflats, the American Golden-Plover makes one of the longest migratory journeys of any shorebird. A resource for Birders, Twitchers and casual Bird Watchers. Little ringed plove... Mountain plover. These are now regarded as separate species. Andy Stoddart details the differences between the familiar European Golden Plover and its rarer counterparts, American and Pacific Golden Plovers, in all plumages. Females less colorful, less mottled and darker. American Golden-Plovers can fly at speeds of more than 75 miles per hour. This bird is so similar to American Golden-Plover that the two were regarded as one species until 1993. The Pacific golden plover (Pluvialis fulva) is a medium-sized plover.The genus name is Latin and means relating to rain, from pluvia, "rain".It was believed that golden plovers flocked when rain was imminent. Animal Life ... Common Name: American golden plover. American Golden-Plovers can fly at speeds of more than 75 miles per hour. It breeds on the high Arctic tundra of Alaska and Canada and winters in the grasslands of central and southern South America. Females lay four eggs. Length: 9 1/2 - 11 1/4 inches. The American Golden-Plover is seen from Baffin Island and far into the arctic circle, as well as throughout Alaska, east through the Yukon … Obvious sexual dimorphism in most American Golden-Plovers. Irish rare bird sighting records for the Island Of Ireland, including photos and fectured articles relating to Irish Birds. The Icelandic media always covers the first plover sighting, which in 2017, took place on March 27. American Golden-Plovers can fly at speeds of more than 75 miles per hour. Males usually incubate during the day, and females incubate at night. Appendix D Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge Comprehensive Conservation Plan D-3 Common Name Scientific Name Cranes Sandhill Crane Grus canadensis Plovers American Golden-Plover Pluvialis dominica Black-bellied Plover Pluvialis squatarola Killdeer Charadrius vociferus Semipalmated Plover Charadrius semipalmatus Sandpipers and Phalaropes Scientific Name: Pluvialis dominica. Eurasian dotterel. Wingspan: 23 1/2 - 28 3/4 inches . The species name fulva is Latin and refers to a tawny colour. The American golden plovers of the eastern range fly over the Atlantic and South America as far south as Patagonia, and most return via the Mississippi Valley; those in the western range travel, presumably nonstop, to groups of islands in the South Pacific. Market hunting in 19th and early 20th centuries caused major decline in American Golden-Plover numbers. Both parents tend the young. While gregarious during migration, they are very territorial during the breeding season, even showing aggression towards other shorebird species. Some American plovers stray to the coast making identification more of a challenge. Chicks are extremely precocial and can feed themselves within a few hours of hatching. In winter the black in replaced by buff and white. However, the birds can tell the difference: where the two forms overlap in western Alaska, they seldom or never interbreed. While American golden -plovers breed in the northernmost areas of the continent, fall migrants fly offshore of the east coast and individuals can be found annually in New York. Category: Plover. The golden-plovers are seen throughout the globe including the European Golden-Plover and the Pacific Golden-Plover of Asia. During the breeding season, look for the black belly extending from the throat to the end of the tail. Search the Photos Slide show Golden plover photo ID guide. One estimate of a single day's kill near New Orleans …