Have fun and stay curious! Why do zebras have stripes? Inside Science is an editorially-independent nonprofit print, electronic and video journalism news service owned and … ----- Love SciShow Kids and want to help support it? Theories about why the African equids have stripes abound, but a new study in Kenya is the first on live zebras. Scientists have long wondered why zebras have stripes. It’s not what color a zebra’s stripes are, it's what they do with them that counts. A new study finds that a zebra's stripes protect the animal from blood-sucking insects, as well as acting as camouflage. Usually when an animal has a special feature, that … • Why do sloths move so slowly? The flies pestered all of the horses and the zebras in the paddocks equally. Watch the video to discover the answer and don't forget to vote for next week's question. A leopard may not be able to change its spots, but some zebras change their stripes. There are mysteries all around us. Much like a fingerprint, the stripes on a zebra are unique.No two animals have the same pattern.But why do they have stripes at all? Zebras are famous for their strong pattern of black and white stripes. Jessi and Squeaks look into an animal mystery: Why do zebras have stripes? Although most people tend to think of the zebra as a white animal with black stripes, scientists have discovered that the zebra is actually a black animal with white stripes. Why do zebras have stripes? • Why do we think cats are unfriendly? Share This Episode. A recent study seems to show an unexpected reason – to confuse flies so that it’s hard for them to land. Share a link to this video with your students to watch individually during centers, at home, or any other time. • Do mosquitoes get drunk?