The premise of the poppy tune is that while most animals have a clear signature sound -- “Dog goes woof. Okay, People: Here is What the Fox Actually Says [Video] They also don't float either, in case you were wondering. But while the song makes a valiant attempt to shed light on the fox's call, some are disputing the accuracy of the fox sounds in the video. That's the ubiquitous question asked over and over again in the hit song and viral video “The Fox " by Norwegian comedy team Ylvis. It's simply not possible to watch this video over and over and over again (true story), without wondering. “What Does the Fox Say?” is not only a hilariously bizarre observation of common animal sounds, but also a perfect example of the ludicrous taste of the American public. What does the fox say?That's the ubiquitous question asked over and over again in the hit song and viral video “The Fox" by Norwegian comedy team Ylvis.Have you heard it? In The Know Trending [] The truth about periods. Lyrics to 'The Fox - What Does the Fox Say?' We are all beautiful and this place is just for us! Nathan Francis. I have watched two different videos for this YouTube sensation, and I have no idea which one to call the 'Original'. In norwegian you would say "Hva sier reven?" What Sound Does A Fox Really Make? We bet you have. This is a community for real plus sized users to post themselves and to own it! What Does The Fox Really Say? This is what foxes actually sound like. He also digs jumping around with … What Does The Fox Say: Strange Video Is Viral Music Hit. Music video, “What Does the Fox Say?” was produced as an anti-hit, simply to promote a television show. No soliciting/spam, this means no snap promotions, no selling content, no asking for dms, and the like. Fox (like their competitors are supposed to be but aren't) is a balance of opinion and news. I will note that in the music video for this song, "What does the fox say" appears first, and then the rest is "what the fox say." What does the fox say, anyway? What The Fox ACTUALLY Say 'What The Fox ACTUALLY Say' real fox re-mix. A Norwegian dance-pop song called "The Fox" asks the question: the cow goes moo, the duck goes quack, but what sound does the fox make? What does the fox say? is a YouTube hit. [Sounding slightly exasperated] You have to play with a young fox to really hear what they're like. What Does The Fox Say is the latest viral sensation, a hilarious song that attempts to answer the question of exactly what noise a fox makes. I'm a Registered Dietitian, healthy eater, and mom of two from Charlottesville, Virginia. How have you been? A silly song by a Norwegian duo about what foxes sound like has gone viral. ... What Does the Fox Say? Must Watch. What does the fox say?That's the ubiquitous question asked over and over again in the hit song and viral video “The Fox" by Norwegian comedy team Ylvis.Have you heard it?