GO.16 Percentage Of BC Castes Reservations, BC Castes List in Telangana State. Balasanthu, Bahurupi. 1. Bandara. 4. 3. 2. Brahman 3.0 Kshatriya 1.2 Komati 2.7 Kamma 4.8 reddy 6.5 Kapu 15.2 Velama 3.0 BC Caste List In Andhra Pradesh/ Bc Caste Percentage In Ap. Dammali/ Dammala/ Dammula/ Damala of Srikakulam Dist Peddammavandlu, Devaravandlu, Yellammavandlu, Mutyalammavandlu (Dammali was included in G.O.Ms.No.9, BCW(C2) Dept., dt.9.4.2008 with area operation of Srikakulam Dist. Madiga 7.3; Mala 9.7; You can also see. The following is the cast-wise percentage of the population in Andhra pradesh: OC Caste List In Andhra Pradesh/ Oc Caste Percentage In Ap. Provide stipend to the BC Advocates and incentives to the Inter-Caste Married BC Couples. These 52% of Backward Classes/Backward Caste (BC) population can have the power to decide the politics and opportunities in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. G.O.Ms.No.4, Backward Classes Welfare (OP) Department, dated.30.08.2014. Andhra Pradesh Backward Caste List. G.O.Ms.No.3, Backward Classes Welfare (OP) Department, dated.14.08.2014. AP BC(BACKWARD CLASSES) LIST. Caste Wise Population In Andhra Pradesh In 2017. List of SC & ST caste groups in Andhra Pradesh and their Percentage. Agnikulakshatriya, Palli, Vadabalija, Bestha, Jalari, Gangavar, Gangaputra, Goondla, Vanyakulakshatriya (Vannekapu, vannereddi, pallikapu ... 2. 5. List of AP Backward Classes/Backward Caste (AP BC List) In Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, we have 109 Backward Classes/Backward Caste (BC) communities and 52% of population. Budabukkala. Rajaka (Chakali, Vannar) The Backward Classes community in Andhra Pradesh consists of 92 castes and these … And the area operation is deleted in G.O.Ms.No. GROUP-A. Telangana Caste Wise Population; Telugu actors caste and community list; If you have any doubts about this article or if you have any valuable comments or suggestions then please share them below in the comment box. 3. 1.