Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease (or PBFD for short) is one of the nastiest, most aggressive diseases in aviculture today, making it important for parrot owners to understand. A Beak and Feather Disease Survivor- Sweetpea’s Story Story by Mary W. Sweetpea came into our lives in December of 1995. The virus also impairs the immune system. Owners can also inadvertently pass it on from bird to bird by carrying the virus on their skin and clothing. Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease is also known as Parrot Circovirus but most commonly by the initials PBFD. Psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD) is a common virus among parrots, including cockatoos. Psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD) is a viral disease affecting all Old World and New World parrots.The causative virus–beak and feather disease virus (BFDV)—belongs to the taxonomic genus Circovirus, family Circoviridae.It attacks the feather follicles and the beak and claw matrices of the bird, causing progressive feather, claw and beak malformation and necrosis. Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease is a viral disease that affects pet and wild parrots (psittacine). If the beak is not badly affected, some birds can survive for years with PBFD but they continue to shed the virus in their droppings and feather dander. The virus that causes the disease has been identified from many wild populations and is believed to occur naturally. PBFD virus has a strong resemblance to Porcine Circovirus as well as to a number of plant viruses such as the Banana Bungy virus. It occurs in an acutely fatal form and a chronic form. Beak and Feather Disease is a virus found in both wild and pet parrots that affects the growth and development of their feathers and beak. Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease or PBFD is caused by a circovirus which infects and kills the cells of the feather and beak. It attacks the feather follicles and the beak and claw matrices of the bird, causing progressive feather, claw and beak malformation and necrosis. The molecular structure of the genome of the virus is roughly a 2,000 base, circular, single stranded DNA. This article discusses signs, symptoms, and ways to diagnose psittacine beak and feather disease in birds. About the fact sheet Psittacine circoviral disease (PCD) affects parrots and related species and is often fatal to birds that contract it. What causes PBFD? However, where bird populations are low, the disease may have the potential to cause catastrophic losses. Blood tests are available, and swabs taken from a bird actively shedding the virus will show positive, but negative blood tests are so unreliable that they should be discounted if other symptoms are present. Unfortunately, there is no effective treatment or cure for PBFD. About the fact sheet Psittacine circoviral disease (PCD) affects parrots and related species and is often fatal to birds that contract it. It also discusses ways to treat and prevent it. About PBFD. The molecular structure of the genome of the virus is roughly a 2,000 base, circular, single stranded DNA.