The book builds on Tomasello’s work studying young children’s development, and on the psychological processes that set young children apart from human’s closest living relatives, the great apes. Garbage mostly. Humans aren't the only species that kill each other. Hopefully this virus makes an imprint on the world that we're all fucking vulnerable, and living on the same fucking marble. Naturally, there is a decent amount of debate on this topic, but many other biologists and scientists agree with him. ELI5: What, if anything, makes human psychologically unique? New research has found that the facial muscles involved in making these expressions can only be found in dogs, not wolves - suggesting our furry best friends evolved the ability specifically to communicate with humans. Making mistakes is one-hundred percent what makes us human. The Tesraki only know human economics, the rundi really only know human government. Over the last fifty years or so, however, researchers have developed models, experimental paradigms and tests that provide greater and greater insight into what makes human beings exceptional. One important difference between humans and animals is the extent to which humans employ huge amounts of knowledge and technology. Symbolic abstract thinking: Very simply, this is our ability to think about objects, principles, and ideas that are not physically present. The process of making a Samurai sword is an elaborate one and requires great conviction and patience. “What makes the human superior to field animals? I’d go as far as saying it’s what makes us feel alive. The repetition of the process has its advantages: The older I get, and I'm old, the more confusing this world gets. In the realm of obvious physical/magical differences, my humans don't really have something that sets them apart. Drank a bit of Vodka, sorry, rambling ", followed by 1701 people on Pinterest. What’s so Special About These Swords? As close as humans are to other primates, theories from different fields of study, including biology, psychology, and paleoanthropology, postulate that certain traits are uniquely human. See more ideas about World humanitarian … John Staughton 18 Nov 2015 (Updated: 4 Dec 2019) Philosophers, scientists, politicians, scholars, and every other human being on the planet has, at one point or another, looked at the world around them and asked the “Big Questions”. ” So mused King Solomon, the wisest man of his times (10 th century BCE), in Proverbs. Drev would have learned human tactics. But I'm sure I won't see that happen in my lifetime tbh. But our intelligence and social prowess mean we can do so on an unprecedented scale.