1. Though set several decades apart and on opposite sides of the Atlantic, the two sections describe with heart-breaking empathy the life of one woman. Discuss the lack of setting details provided by the author in "The Shawl" by Cynthia Ozick. The Shawl. What inference does Billy make about the Bed and Breakfast based on the look of the place? Early in the story, Dahl describes the Bed and Breakfast. What words and imagery are used to describe the Bed and Breakfast? 3. The title story, "The Shawl… Here are a few questions for study and discussion. The shawl itself acquires some qualities of a human – it has an ability to feed a child for three days and three nights, and also for Magda this shawl becomes her “own baby, her pet, her little sister”. “The Landlady” Discussion Questions 1. Does Rosa think Stella is responsible for Magda’s death? The shawl is also describes as a “magic shawl” that could “nourish an infant for three days and three nights” (1). The complete review's Review: . The interlocking short story and novella pack enough punch for a book many times its length. Cynthia Ozick’s The Shawl (1989): Reading Questions . “The Shawl” by Louise Erdrich Louise Erdrich is a member of the Turtle Mountain Chippewa band. So very dark and sad. Study Guide for The Shawl. ''The Shawl'' dramatizes the horrors of the Holocaust in relatively few words. Our goal is to help you help your students to better understand AND ENJOY classic literature! Where and when does the action take place? When a text is short, you can devote more time to learning how every single word is used and what importance it has in the piece. Because she is physically exhausted? In “The Shawl” by Cynthia Ozick, there are two settings in the story: the road that the women walk on toward the concentration camp and then, the camp. The Shawl Discussion Questions Cynthia Ozick This Study Guide consists of approximately 42 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of The Shawl. 2. She was born in Minnesota in 1954, and grew up in North Dakota where her parents taught at the Wahpeton Indian School. Full text of "Cynthia Ozick's The shawl : teacher's guide" See other formats National Endowment for the Arts TEACHER'S GUIDE a. The story meanders through the events that shape Nerys Watkins time in India and simultaneously retells the story through her granddaughters eyes who is trying to solve the mystery of the Kashmir shawl that she finds in her house in Wales after her passing. You can read a whole story in one sitting. Even though three days is actually how long a human body can go without water, the diction of this sentence gives the reader a feeling of wonderment at Magda. Because she is traumatized? It's the stuff dreams are made of, but there's more to it than that. The Shawl study guide contains a biography of Cynthia Ozick, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. As you answer the questions, underline passages in the story that connect to your answers and make additional notes in the margins. THE SHAWL really packs a punch for such a short read. Study Guide for The Shawl. Magda’s magic shawl and her breath that smell of “cinnamon and almond” (1) create the only warmth in the story, a warmth to which both … She looked into Magda’s face through a gap in the shawl: a squirrel in a nest, safe, no one could reach her inside the little house of the shawl’s windings. In The Shawl Rosa, her infant daughter Magda, and her fourteen year old niece Stella are Polish Jews interned in a concentration camp -- "a place without pity" during World War II. You get more time to focus on individual words. Museum ndLibrary SERVICES CYNTHIA OZICK'S The Shawl NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS * W READ CYNTHIA OZICK'S The Shawl TEACHER'S GUIDE The National Endowment for the Arts is a public agency dedicated to supporting excellence in the arts — … This 39-page guide for “The Shawl” by Cynthia Ozick includes detailed chapter summaries and analysis covering 2 chapters, as well as several more in-depth sections of expert-written literary analysis. Thus begins Cynthia Ozick's short (just five pages) yet riveting story, “The Shawl.” “Ozick wrote it, she says, in a way she has never written anything, before or since. SuperSummary, a modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, offers high-quality study guides for challenging works of literature. The Shawl (1989). This volumes contains two connected stories, the very short title piece, set during World War II, and the much longer story, Rosa, set in 1977.