White Kermode bears are not albinos as they still have pigmented eyes and skin. They are so rare that even people who live in the region rarely see them. Spirit bears aka Kermode bears (Ursus americanus kermodei) are a subspecies of the North American black bear with a rare recessive gene that makes their fur white or cream. "Grizzlies and black bears coexist everywhere except these smaller islands," says Thomas Reimchen, a biologist at the University of Victoria. Kermode bears are also known as Spirit bears or Ghost bears. Kermode bears can run up to 55 km per hour. Description. It is possible for two black bears to mate and produce a white cub. Kermode bears live in the Great Bear Rain Forest in British Columbia and a few of the islands nearby. The kermode bear is brought to life in the popular novel "Touching Spirit Bear" by Ben Mikaelsen. Habitat Kermode bears can only be found in what is known as the Great Bear Rain Forest located in west-central British Columbia and a few adjacent islands. Most Spirit Bears live on Princess Royal and Gribbell Islands along the rainforest coast of British Columbia. No, spirit bears are not albino. They have pigment in their skin and eyes, which wouldn’t be the case with albinos. "The black bears give griz plenty of room. Follow the White Kermode Spirit Bear through The Great Bear Rainforest, find facts about bcspiritbear,spirit bears,kermode bears,white bears,black bears,live stream hibernating spirit bear,rare videos of spirit bears,rare videos of hibernating spirit bear Apollo,only videos of hibernating white kermode spirit bear,from Great Bear Rainforest of BCs northwest coast,kermode bear sighting … The Kermode bear was before known as the Frank Kermode who researched the subspecies and was a colleague of Zoologist William Hornaday who described it. "That leads to an intriguing possibility: Perhaps the griz had a hand in concentrating the Kermode gene on Princess Royal and Gribbell Islands. There are other black bears and brown bears living in surrounding areas as well. Due to the remote and unspoiled territories that these bears live in, they are neither accustomed nor fearful of man. In British Columbia, it is illegal to hunt the Spirit Bear. They are so rare that even people who live in the region rarely see them. Kermode Bear Characteristics. About 20 percent of the bears on those islands are white; the rest are black. Follow the White Kermode Spirit Bear through The Great Bear Rainforest, find facts about bcspiritbear,spirit bears,kermode bears,white bears,black bears,live stream hibernating spirit bear,rare videos of spirit bears,rare videos of hibernating spirit bear Apollo,only videos of hibernating white kermode spirit bear,from Great Bear Rainforest of BCs northwest coast,kermode bear sighting … The population of the kermode bear is estimated to be under 1300. Habitat Kermode bears can only be found in what is known as the Great Bear Rain Forest located in west-central British Columbia and a few adjacent islands.