Plays scripts online. People everywhere are making the journey to the place of their birth, in compliance with Caesar's … William Anderson When the Stars are Right. JASON - It’s all about the baby. Other pregnant girls staying at the home are Queenie, Norma and Dolores. D.T. Submit Your Play; Subscribe To Our E-Mailing List; By Playwright. Her mother (Mrs Adams) discovers that Mary is seven months pregnant and sends her to a religious mother-baby home. The Play About The Baby is Albee in vaudeville mode. Norma has her baby and it is taken off her. Brunch tomorrow, Christmas Eve service, ham with all the sides for Christmas dinner? The story is about a 17 year old girl called Mary. MICHELLE - Jason is right, it is all about the baby and giving Evan a great Christmas. Arcieri The Play About the Menu at Simon’s Coffee Shop. Free to read. In the end, Mary gives birth to a girl. Plays scripts online. Free to read. New from Christy and Daniel Semsen and WordKidz, All About That Baby is a delightfully fresh children's musical presentation of the blessed story of Jesus' birth. The Play About the Baby premiered in London at the Almeida Theatre in 1998. KELLI - I was thinking we’d just kind of see where the day takes us. Saint Thea: A One-Act Play ... Big Baby. LISA - So Kelli, what are the plans for this weekend? [9] The characters -- Man, Woman, Boy and Girl -- inhabit a timeless space where they engage in games of love, loss, pain and memory. Upon seeing the play for the first time, Mel Gussow notes that the dialogue of the first act was “sharp, swift, and conversational” and the mocking tone gradually gave way to fear at the end of the first act, following Man’s announcement of their plan to steal the baby. The most obvious precursor here is Albee's own Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf. Matron is in charge of the home.