During the years I had my chameleon I went away on vacation a few times, had to go away for short trips and to go back and see my folks at Christmas and New Year. As mature bearded dragons store a lot of fat they can go up to two months without eating. These types of chameleons will usually lay eggs yearly with or without a male. These types of chameleons will usually lay eggs yearly with or without a male. Show Less. Adults can survive for several months without feeding. All of the cage furnishings should be sterilized once a month, and live plants can be placed WITH the chamelon under a warm, gentle shower (check temps carefully). save hide report. You can also sometimes get them to take water from the nozzle of the spray bottle or the drips from the end of a large plastic syringe. How long can rabbits go without food? Electrolytes – This involves offering something beyond water. 100% Upvoted. Ask Your Own Pet Question. You can go as fancy or as inexpensive as you want. Without continual proper care, a pet chameleon can become very sick, very quickly. I like offering by hand the most but you can just leave it somewhere you chameleon can reach it easily if you prefer. With chameleons, they are rather picky about how they eat and drink. A mixed diet is good. Submitted: 12 years ago. When I first got him he ate a couple of crickets (like 2 or 3, maybe a few more loose feeders). That being said, each animal is an individual with his or her respective personality, and this can play a big part in how they react to you and being held. Babies shouldn't be allowed longer than a couple weeks without feeding. The simplest method is to use a drip system. 1. How old is he? If you can put a photo up of the lizard, or explain what it looks like and where you are, it will help to give tips on how to catch it. You should always be prepared and well educated on what to do when your chameleon becomes egg bound. Submitted: 12 years ago. Hey guys I need to know how long before I force feed my baby chameleon. How do Chameleons Drink in Captivity? How Long Can a Bearded Dragon Live Without Food? ... My bunny is 2 years old, has not been eating for 1 week, however I've been giving water, pineapple juice, and yogurt by syringe every 2-3 hours. Females, on the other hand, usually average four to six years. However, your pet should have access to food at all times. If you’re wondering how to setup a chameleon cage habitat or enclosure, you’ve come to the right place. I have had some very docile, “friendly” chameleons, while I've had some very aggressive and terrified ones, so their disposition will have a big effect on how you go about dealing with them. In fact, we specialize in these quirky, colorful, and always fascinating lizards. Fig. If faced with a dry surface in the sun, they will not survive for long (source: Scientific American). Veiled Chameleon Life Span. Electrolytes – This involves offering something beyond water. Make sure the pieces are cut to roughly the size of an insect. Show More. How long can a chameleon go without UVB? You will also need someone to check in with your chameleon from time to time. Also I have Dexter's new cage mostly set up so I will make another post for suggestions. She is not pooping at all, will this go away soon? You should always be prepared and well educated on what to do when your chameleon becomes egg bound. Use juicy fruits like watermelon (without the seeds) honeydew melon, strawberries, and grapes. You will probably need to spend a long time doing so, but it’s worth it if the chameleon drinks. Ask Your Own Pet Question. Fill it with water, place it on top of your chameleon’s screen cage, and – voila – dripping water! You can purchase other insects for your chameleon, such as wax worms, mealworms, super worms, flies, moths, and grasshoppers. She is not pooping at all, will this go away soon? Source: BBC A well cared for and healthy pet male veiled chameleon can be expected to live six to eight years. Category: Pet. How long can rabbits go without food? You will probably need to spend a long time doing so, but it’s worth it if the chameleon drinks. This will help wash the plants, and rehydrate the chameleon--chams are prone to dehydration in captivity. There are several species of “true” chameleon, many whose native habitats range from Yemen and Saudi Arabia southward to Madagascar and parts of eastern Africa. In moist, coastal areas it is believed they can crawl on land for at least several minutes. Make sure the pieces are cut to roughly the size of an insect. Providing water correctly is one of the most easily overlooked essentials for a chameleon. Show Less. If you’re on a tight budget, you can simply get a plastic deli cup and puncture a hole in the bottom. These are nice treats and give the chameleon a well-balanced diet. We love chameleons at Backwater Reptiles. You can also sometimes get them to take water from the nozzle of the spray bottle or the drips from the end of a large plastic syringe. You must get some water into him at the very least! Providing water correctly is one of the most easily overlooked essentials for a chameleon.