But God saw in me what I could be, I'm glad I serve the God of another chance, I'm glad I serve the God of another chance. This is good news because most of us mess up the second chance fairly quickly. Great Verses, Lessons and Examples of Second Chances In The Bible, eg The Story of David and Bathsheba and The Story of Jonah. God Giving Us Second Chances, God Giving You A Second Chance. We serve a God of redemption and second chances and are blessed to see Christ's ministry of reconciliation at work every day. One of the most important and rewarding ways in which we can serve our fellowmen is by living and sharing the principles of the gospel. We need to help those whom we seek to serve to know for themselves that God not only loves them but he is ever mindful of them and their needs. Bible verses about second chances We should rejoice in the fact that we serve a God of multiple chances. Thank you to my family for being a backbone these past 14 years. One thing that is true for everyone is that we've all failed God. Inspirational, Encouraging, Uplifting, Motivational, Comforting, Reassuring, Useful & Practical. I regularly tell my students: I know what it is like to go to school, work full-time, serve at a church, and raise a family. We have tried to make the The God Of A Second Chance song lyrics as accurate as possible and hope you enjoy them. God will give you a second chance. On the other hand, is this life the only time we have to understand the Gospel and be saved? Bible verses about Second Chances. By David J. Stewart | March 2014 | Updated April 2017. They “never come to an end,” in fact, and every morning “they are new” because God’s faithfulness is great. God is a God of Second Chances, Forgiveness, and Grace. “We truly serve a God of second chances and new beginnings. We truly serve a God of second chances and new beginnings. And I do. It is true, both of our salvation, and of our time here on earth, God can complete the good … Chester Dt Baldwin - The God Of A Second Chance ft. Music Ministry Lyrics Below you can find the popular The God Of A Second Chance lyrics performed by Chester Dt Baldwin. Answer: God is not only the God of second chances; He is the God of another chance. Jonah 2:10-3:3, “And the LORD spake unto the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land. ... Every day we see that God again is merciful to us. Sermon by Jerry Gifford . Blessed and holy is the one who shares in the first resurrection! David committed adultery and murder - and yet went down in Scripture as a man after God's own heart (Acts 13:22). The Lord has held my hand this whole time and I would have never made it without Him. If there's one truth that's indisputable about human beings, it's that we have an infinite capacity to mess up. Watch Ron's Story NEW PERSON MINISTRIES, INC. is a nonprofit ministry doing prisoner reentry services through the New … Are the vast majority of humans destined to go to Hell? Verse 2: Some people say that we serve the God of a second chance, but since I messed that one up so long ago, I'm glad He forgives me again; and then saw in me just what I … Returning to God: A Second Chance with God, Jonah 3 . We serve a God of Second Chances. Does God offer us a second chance at salvation? Let today be a testament to His Saving Grace. John Mark quit on his first missionary journey with Paul (Acts 13:13) - and yet Paul, in the latter years of his ministry asked for him by name, saying he was helpful to his ministry (II Timothy 4:11). But even more, I know what it’s like to serve a God of second chances. What a relief that we worship the God of second chances!