Operating a purple martin colony is a very pleasant and self gratifying hobby. Few things are more soothing or relaxing than sitting out on the back deck in the evening and watching the superb aerial acrobatics of these delightful birds. It was a European invasion—one that continues on today. Purple martins vs starlings and house sparrows The many martin landlords who monitor their colony and control starlings and house sparrows are essential to sustaining this species. Purple Martins . But, perhaps, the species most at risk is the purple martin. In the 19th century, the European Starling and the House Sparrow were brought to the U.S., causing Purple Martin populations to suffer dramatically. With his big sharp yellow beak he can seriously injure any martin that dares to oppose him. Other enemies of purple martins include snakes, raccoons, hawks, owls, squirrels, and feral cats. The arch enemy of Purple Martins, a male European Starling. One bird will often claim an entire martin apartment house. European Starlings are a plague to Purple Martins. Starling Resistant Entrance Holes or SREH have helped countless Purple Martins from falling victim to European Starlings. There are two species of non-native birds, the European Starling and the House Sparrow, which will nest in Purple Martin housing. 8% effective to allow safe enter for Purple Martins Ravenox has a wide variety of traps to catch unwanted House Sparrows and European Starlings - both of which are invasive species. Controlling. Scroll down for a picture of wing entrapment. The Purple Martin and its Management in Texas | 5 Background The Purple Martin is one of eight species of swallows that regularly occur in the United States. All of these — the Bank, Barn, Cave, Cliff, Northern Rough-winged, Tree and Violet-green swallows, and the Purple Martin — nest in Texas. The species is part of a group of birds known as aerial insectivores—birds that feed on airborne insects—which includes swifts, swallows, the Chuck-will's-widow, and the Olive-sided Flycatcher, to name a few.These birds have all shown steep population … If you think you are seeing a swallow, you are correct! Interesting comparisons! They will take over martin compartments, destroy eggs, and kill nestlings. Repeating Starling Trap Anybody that begins the quest of starting a Purple Martin colony quickly learns that two major problems almost immediately surface. One is the European Starling and the other is the English House Sparrow. Of. Both of these species are aggressive toward purple martins and may attack or kill birds in competition for nesting sites. Purple Martin Identification Eager novice birders and novice purple martin enthusiasts often misidentify birds other common backyard birds to be purple martins. Both species were brought over from Europe and should never be permitted to nest in martin housing. Starling Resistant Purple Martin Houses is one of the most scientifically proven houses available on the market today Starling Resistant entrance hole which prevent European Starling from entering the house Tests have shown the entry holes are 99. The Home Habitat. There are two species of non-native birds, the European Starling and the House Sparrow, which will nest in Purple Martin housing. This male is claiming a martin house for his own. A failed and abandoned nest of 6 eggs … Pests and Predators. They are not without risks. The purple martin is the largest member of the swallow family in North America. The song is … The Purple Martin, North America's largest swallow, is a swift and skilled flyer: The birds eat, drink, and even bathe on the wing. It is the purple martin (Progne subis), the largest of the swallows in North America. Without an effective system to eliminate Starlings, building a … Gentle birds by nature, purple martins have a difficult time with more aggressive (and non-native) birds like European Starlings and House Sparrows who drive them away from their nesting spaces. A hawk attack this AM heralded more doom. The common swift, though possessing a weak bill, is larger, aggressive and nearly as big as our purple martin and fights back. There are several entrance options available on the market today. Females and young males are light gray below. A male Starling haunting my Martin’s housing was the beginning of bad omens. Shop for Coates Starling Resistant Purple Martin Houses: Free shipping on the Coates starling resistant sixteen (16) room aluminum purple martin house by Bird's Choice. Starlings may evict European woodpeckers, like the green and greater spotted woodpeckers from cavities. They’re a Purple Martin Landlord’s worst enemy. The exotics took over martin houses, and in some cases, massacred the nestlings inside. The European Starling in America . The purple martin’s worst enemies are the European starling and the house sparrow. Purple martins sing and are often on the wing a few hours before dawn. Adult males are glossy, purplish blue overall, and may appear black in low light. Forums › Hunting › European Starling Eradication Views : 539 | Subscribe February 19, 2018 at 1:26 pm Link BeemanR7Participant Member For nearly 40 years, I’ve been a Purple Martin Landlord.