Although encounters are rare, Ussuri brown bears will attack Asiatic black bears but fatalities have not been recorded. While tigers can successfully hunt bears, there are also records of brown bears killing tigers, either in disputes over prey or in self-defense, and in at least one instance, of a bear consuming a tiger. Averaging the two, we get 242 kg. The size ration between a cougar and a black bear / a leopard and a sloth bear / an Amur tiger and a Ussuri brown bear are all pretty-much the same. So, evidence, REAL evidence from the Siberian Tiger Project (Monograph of 2005, in Russian) prove that tigers win most of the fights, so 2 + 2 = 4, no? As you all know Tigers are more technical and intelligent than African lion so here is the perfect match for grizzly bear to prove his robustness and power against the big Siberian tiger. Ussuri brown bears, along with the smaller Asian black bears constitute 2.1% of the Siberian tiger's annual diet, of which 1.4% are brown bears. Adult bears are generally immune from predatory attacks from anything other than another bear, however, in the Russian Far East brown bears, along with smaller Asiatic black bears constitute 5-8% of the diet of Siberian tigers. Taipan. Rukovsky also stated that in fights between large tigers and large Brown bears, only in RARE cases does the tiger lose. Siberian Tiger Interactions with Brown Bears & Asiatic Black Bears. The cat's collarbone is reduced compared to bears, which favours flexibility and speed, but compromises their ultimate strength potential. Rukovsky personally interviewed 42 local hunters regarding tigers and Brown bears, and here's what they said.... To clarify the relationship between these two predators, I interviewed 42 local hunters, old-timers Primorsky Krai. I challenge any Bearfan/enthusiast and fanatic out there to come on this forum and debate me on tigers vs Brown bears. He weighs in at 445 pounds; he'll kill bears bigger than he is. Although encounters are rare, Ussuri brown bears will attack Asiatic black bears but fatalities have not been recorded. Grizzly bear - Wikipedia By Alaskan coastal grizzly, I will assume you mean Kodiak bear. After comparing African lion vs Grizzly bear in my previous article here I am moving to one step forward with Compare Grizzly bear Vs Siberian tiger. Mountainlord. A Kodiak is bigger than Ussuri brown bear. Ussuri brown bears will feed on Amur (Siberian) tiger kills and are themselves a prey animal of the tigers. Ussuri brown bears have killed tigers in the past as well. Siberian tiger - Wikipedia The Ussuri Brown Bear is a bit harder. Siberian tigers tend to attack smaller Ussuri brown bears or female Ussuri brown bears, usually by ambush or by attacking hibernating bears. Home animal In particular, the brown bears input is estimated as 1-1,5%. This comes from the fact that Siberian tigers (also called Amur tigers) are far more elusive than their Indian counterparts. Using males in all instances, for Grizzly bears this is 550lbs, for Ussuri brown bears this is 430lbs, for Siberian tigers this is 650 pounds. A bear is a better wrestler than a tiger, in a straight fight it will maintain the top position. I'll easily be able to prove that the tiger overall DOMINATES the Brown bear, wins most fights against them and prove that in general, Brown bears have an innate fear of tigers. Yes, there is every possibility that the tiger may be in fact larger than the grizzly bear.