That’s care. 1. While this is not a sure sign of intended matrimony—particularly if a guy is simply close with his family—it’s still a really, really good sign. 4. P.S. If you’re sick of men only wanting “casual relationships” and are ready to start finding more marriage-focused men, then go here to try the Casual to Committed Blueprint. 10 Signs You’re Going To Marry Your Boyfriend Someday 1. Signs He Wants to Marry You – 19 Sure Signs He Will Marry You In The Near Future. He talks about having a family – now tell me that’s not a clear sign he wants you to be his wife. Check out the video and discover the 3 signs he wants to marry you someday. That is it. If you haven’t had that conversation yet, it’s worth having. Your Coach, Adam. That’s care. That’s it. 2. Men are always very logical when it comes to building a family. He asks you how your day used to be every single day? 2. 4. 5. He talks about future. 3. “Signs He Wants To Marry You In the future” Sign 8 – He will tell you that you will make a great wife and mother If he is giving you a compliment that you will make a great wife and/or mother, it means he hopes you will be HIS wife and mother to HIS kids in the future. 2. While it is still possible he could be interested in marriage and still exhibit some of these behaviors, these are some red flags. He invites you to his family gatherings. Sign #1 – He happily brings up living together & getting married. 3. 7. He’s super wishy washy about whether he will or he won’t. 8 Obvious Signs He Definitely Wants To Marry You Someday 1. You'll Feel Like You Can Work Anything Out Without A … He cares about you. One of the most important signs that he wants to marry you someday is the fact that this guy has introduced you to his family and friends. Until you actually hear these 4 little words from your man, you won’t know for sure if he wants to marry you. He asks you how your day was every single day? 3. He outright says he never wants to get married. The first one of the signs he wants to marry you someday – He Cares About You. 5. He hates and avoids conflict. Your boyfriend's whole family is going on vacation. He thinks of you as a huge part of his life and wants all the people important to him to get to know you as well. You'll Feel Completely Comfortable In Your Own Skin. He doesn’t mind staying in with you. It's a very good sign if he's talking about your wedding, too, but don't worry if he's not--as long as he's happy to hear you chat about it, you're in good shape. He proposed… but he’s refusing to set a date. You met his family. You'll Feel Surprised A Guy Like Him Even Exists. Someone you love. The First One Of The Signs He Wants To Marry You Someday – He Cares About You. Topping any list of signs a man wants to marry you someday is this tidbit: he’s introduced you to his family. You're each considered a part of the other's family. You are a part of his future plans. He assessments your tires earlier than a long day trip or simply before the iciness season comes – that’s care. 4. You'll Feel Attracted To Him All The Time. Before you can look for signs he wants to marry you in the future, you need to know, first and foremost, that he’s committed to only you. He makes you conscious he’s around if you need something and he proves it each and every time. 10 Undeniable Signs He Wants To Marry You Someday 1. 8 Obvious Signs He Definitely Wants To Marry You Someday If you're thinking of getting married, maybe read this list and have a good, hard think about whether you'll … He is with you in your moments of sorrow. He acts like your relationship isn’t serious to friends in public. 6. You know the warmth you feel in your heart when you see someone really cares about you. The fact he’s checking your tires before a long trip or just before the winter season is care. He sacrifices for you. The 13 Biggest Signs He’s Never Going To Marry You. Some people will say that a proposal is the only unmistakable sign he wants to marry you. Never, ever assume a man isn’t dating other women unless he’s explicitly said he wasn’t. The first one of the signs he wants to marry you someday He cares about you.