I know they're obviously not the same as rabbits, but they are quite similar. Guinea pigs bum not known to carry bum of the major rabbit diseases -- e.g., guinea pigs bum not carriers of Pasteurella. Unlike rabbits, guinea pigs cannot synthesise vitamin C which must be provided adequately within their diet. Guinea pigs have to eat guinea pig pellets/dry food. (This digestive quirk is one of the reasons guinea pigs were used in medical research for human medications.) They are both social animals and should'nt be kept alone because they will get lonely with no company of thier own speicies. The guinea pig has a stomach that is monogastric (non-ruminant), and most of its food is processed in the same way human digestive systems process food. I'm hopefully adopting two bunnies soon (1 rescued, 1 owner doesn't want it anymore FYI), so I need to know about … Guinea Pigs or Rabbits: What’s The Best Small Pet? The rabbit could kick the guinea pig and rabbits and guinea pigs have a different diet. It is a lagomorph, meaning its teeth constantly grow. It really depends on your opinion as guinea pigs and rabbits are similar, though they should not be kept together. dietary). The main difference between commercially made rabbit food and commercially made guinea pig food is that the latter usually contains added vitamin C. Like human beings, guinea pigs (or cavies) cannot manufacture this crucial vitamin within their own bodies, so they need to eat it. Obviously there is a size difference between guinea pigs and rabbits once they grow the maturity. Guinea pigs and rabbits both make suitable pets. There are also several other differences between the two, but I'd like to mention their diet. Rabbits don't require, but can have daily fruit and veggies. What is the difference between a rabbit hutch and a guinea pig hutch? It is a lagomorph, meaning its teeth constantly grow. A guinea pig and was bonded with a dwarf rabbit. In general, co-housing rabbits bum guinea pigs is considered far more dangerous to the guinea pig than to the rabbit -- mostly due to injury, but bum because rabbits have bum much stronger immune system than guinea pigs. The Guinea pig is a species of rodent belonging to the family Caviidae and the genus Cavia. go? One's a guinea pig and one is a rabbit. Rabbits and guinea pigs both make great pets, so it’s a tough choice between the two. For those who have had guinea pigs and rabbits, how do the two compare as far as time commitment, cost, etc. A guinea pig is a rodent. A guinea pig is a rodent. However, small children might bond better with rabbits. (Rabbit food or any other type can cause very bad health). I've wanted a rabbit for as long as I can remember, but a lot of people tell me that rabbits are really hard work and so now I'm not so sure. There, food undergoes digestive processes similar to those occurring in ruminant creatures. (Rabbit food or any other type can cause very bad health). If you have smaller children, a guinea pig offers the advantage of being awake during the day. A rabbit is NOT a rodent. Nothing, however rabbits require more space than guinea pigs. Guinea pigs shouldn't be put in a cage with a rabbit. She also believes that bunnies STINK. Which pet do you recommend more? A rabbit is NOT a rodent. I would think a rabbit would make a better house pet as they can be litter trained very easily and always want love and attention, whereas to me, guineas seem a lot more skittish and nervous. There are a few key differences between these two animals, but both are herbivores, need companions of the same species, and a good safe hutch to live in. We advise against keeping rabbits and guinea pigs together as: They have different needs (e.g. However, more fibrous feed, which can sometimes make up the majority of a guinea pig's diet, is passed through the small intestine to the caecum and colon. Sleep Rabbits tend to need around 8 hours of straight sleep and much more heavier sleepers than guinea pigs who much prefer to sleep on and off and even sleep with their eyes open to stay on guard for predators. My mom said I can get a guinea pig, but not a bunny.