Book your Rann Utsav Trip, online Rann utsav tent booking. TIA It is a paradise for wildlife photographers and nature enthusiasts alike. ... 02 Nights & 03 Days Ahmedabad Tour with Little Rann of Kutch. Book Rann Utsav Tour Packages for Rann of Kutch Festival 2019, 2020. These birds fly here from central Asia after each monsoon to build their nests, breeding in shifts through the winter and disappear as summer comes. Rann is also a part of a few sanctuaries such as the Indian wild ass sanctuary, Kutch desert wildlife sanctuary etc. Amazing Hospitality-Cultural nights organised every night-Vegetarian local food-live music shows-local hand-looms to shop, I couldn’t have asked for anything better. The Rann of Kutch, India's largest salt desert, has two parts to explore. Come winter every year, and the water around the Rann of Kutch turns an exquisite shade of pink with the reflection of all the flamingos heading for their nests. Kutch literally means something which intermittently becomes wet and dry; a large part of this district is known as Rann of Kutch which is shallow wetland which submerges in water during the rainy season and becomes dry during other seasons. Flamingos make Rann of Kutch home this winter. have the flamingoes been spotted this season? The same word is also used in Sanskrit origin for a tortoise. Much of it consists of the world's largest salt desert, measuring about 10,000 square kilometers (3,800 square miles). It is the world largest salt desert, measuring over 7505 Sqkm. There are plenty of Hotel options in Bhuj, who Organize for Day tours to the Rann of Kutch. What makes it more amazing is the fact that for about it is underwater during the main monsoon season in India and for the remaining eight months of the … The Little Rann is home to wildlife and salt farming. It is better known by "Flamingo City" or "Surkhab Nagar" in local language. Would appreciate any info. from US$ 582.00* Kutch Tour Package, Kutch Packages from Bhuj ... From Hodka you can visit Chhari Dhandh and Banni Wetlands for sighting more migratory birds but not sure if Flamingos are there or not. The Great Rann of Kutch, along with the Little Rann of Kutch and the Banni grasslands on its southern edge, is situated in the district of Kutch and comprises some 30,000 square kilometres (10,000 sq mi) between the Gulf of Kutch and the mouth of the Indus River in southern Pakistan. The Great Rann features otherworldly landscapes. Rann Utsav 2019, Festival of Joy. Flocks of greater flamingos start descending on Flamingo City,an island called Anda Bet,in the Greater Rann of Kutch (GRK) from October onwards. In 2011,around 10 lakh flamingos were recorded here,forest officers say. The Rann of Kutch, also known as the Great Rann of Kutch (there's a Little Rann of Kutch as well), is a remarkable place to visit in Gujarat. Amazing Hospitality-Cultural nights organized every night-Vegetarian local food-live music shows-local hand-looms to shop, I couldn’t have asked for anything better.