What Do Anteaters Eat Aside From Ants? They look like armadillos, the way they roll up in a ball. Learn about the largest type of pangolin. The giant pangolin is insectivorous, eating ants and termites almost exclusively. The animal is mainly found in South and Central America. Anteaters are insectivores. Typically, anteaters like insects that do not have powerful jaws or chemical defenses because anteaters cannot easily digest them. a leg of a giant anteater! ... Dalí was seen in Paris walking an anteater on a leash. The home ranges of individual anteaters living in the Llanos overlap and can cover more than 2,500 hectares (6,000 acres). Pangolin undersides do not have scales, and are covered with sparse fur. An anteater is a mammal of the suborder Vermilingua. giant anteater tongue looks like laffy taffy Anteaters have panda legs. Their appearance is unique to most, if not all, other animals on earth. It is quite large, does not live in trees, resides in more arrid areas than the other species, and is the only anteater without a prehensile tail.. Look closer, and you’ll see its thin snout, tiny eye and one ear right above an astonishing panda-like leg. Like all anteaters, the silky anteater does not have teeth, just a sticky tongue to catch tree insects, and long claws to dig its food out. The body of this African mammal is covered with hard, strong scales. It gets to be up to 7' long :en.wikipedia.org is an armadillo. A pangolin, or scaly anteater. Giant anteaters grow to be about six feet long and can weigh between 60 and 145 pounds. Now there are only three species remaining, the sloths and armadillos including the anteater. (Warning: Do not attempt this unless you are Salvador Dalí.) But their long tongues are more than sufficient to lap up the 35,000 ants and termites they swallow whole each day. Although the Anteaters sight and hearing are not very well developed, they have a superb sense of smell. Anteaters are known for having a strange appearance, part of which is their shaggy fur. Anteaters in captivity have a lot of different diets for the most part. Vermilingua, or anteaters, are extraordinary animals and have many special characteristics. The silky anteater, northern tamandua, and southern tamandua are ‘arboreal’, which means they live in trees. However, anteater facts reveal that this is actually a form of protection. Where Do Anteaters Live?. Though the anteaters look similar to pangolins and aardvarks, they do not share the same ancestor but look alike due to evolutionary convergence. Psst; no they don't. What looks like a weirdly crooked panda sniffing the ground, is actually. Other species of anteaters have short and tough fur. What looks like a weirdly crooked panda sniffing the ground, is actually… a leg of a giant anteater! Anteaters do not live in America what so ever because of the climate. With proportionately larger crania and shorter faces, the silky anteaters are the smallest living anteaters compared to other species. Anteaters are way bigger, don't have armor, and have a different skeletal structure This is an anteater. Pangolins, which look like scaly anteaters, are considered a delicacy in China and other countries, and pangolin scales are used in traditional medicine. Anteaters have no teeth and after scooping out the insects with their long tongues, the anteater crushes them with pad-like growths inside their mouths before swallowing them. There are four species of anteaters, all residing in Central or South America. The most recognizable species is the giant anteater. Overlapping like artichoke leaves, the scales grow throughout the life of a pangolin just like hair; scale edges are constantly filed down as pangolins dig burrows and tunnel through the soil in search of termites and ants.