In 1990, the number one threat to the Northern Spotted Owl was habitat loss. Shapefile - requires Arc-GIS software Critical Habitat Final Designation - Map. The Northern Spotted Owl is getting a new level of protection across hundreds of miles of its range. We explored the differences and similarities between these maps, and to a pre-existing aerial photo-interpreted habitat map produced by local wildlife biologists. The USFWS Oregon Fish and Wildlife Office works closely with our partners in Oregon and neighboring states to conserve fish, wildlife, plants and habitat. A nesting pair of Spotted Owls requires from 2000 to 5000 acres of conifer forest, chiefly Douglas-fir. Management plans for the Northern Spotted Owl. Washington State’s contribution to owl recovery on non-federal lands was developed through a collaborative stakeholder process, and adopted into law in 1996. The timber industry feared that if the northern spotted owl was protected by the federal government, they would be forced to slow or stop logging in some areas. Habitat loss was listed as a major contributor to the birds' "threatened" status. Accomplishments. The lidar-based map … At night it silently hunts small mammals such as woodrats and flying squirrels. Distribution and habitat. back to 2008 Final Revised Critical Habitat for the Northern Spotted Owl website Northern Spotted Owl Recovery Information Site Maps : Final Critical Habitat . Current management plans for Spotted Owls provide habitat for 1500 - 2000 territories, clustered in groups to aid in juvenile owl dispersal. mates of habitat area between Landsat-based and lidar-based northern spotted owl SDMs and habitat maps. Habitat classifications are based on gradient nearest neighbor (GNN) models using Landsat TM and environmental predictor variables (Davis et al., 2011, Ohmann and Gregory, 2002). Details for map development are explained in detail in Appendix C of the 2011 Revised Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl (USFWS 2011) and the Modeling Supplement (Dunk etal 2012) for Final Critical Habitat for the Northern Spotted Owl. 2012 Final Critical Habitat - State Maps 2012 Final Critical Habitat - Unit and Subunit Maps 2012 Final Critical Habitat Unit Coordinate Files. In the 1990s the Spotted Owl was catapulted into the spotlight over logging debates in the Pacific Northwest. The northern spotted owl primarily inhabits old growth forests in the northern part of its range (Canada to southern Oregon) and landscapes with a mix of old and younger forest types in the southern part of its range (Klamath region and California).The subspecies' range is the Pacific coast from extreme southern British Columbia to Marin County in northern California.