Avocado fruit looks similar to peaches and plums, but it’s a berry. The roots and the stems of a plant are generally considered to be vegetables. Studies show that consuming avocado and other healthy fats actually helps you eat less by providing satiety (making you feel more full/satisfied) when added to your meal or snack. Like people mistake tomatoes for vegetables but they are really fruits. But I have to say that we tend to classify fruits as only sweets. Some fruits can be considered both. Here are the top 10 fruits that are commonly mistaken for vegetables (I think some of these will surprise you! Maybe I play the root of the name a lot: ” green” ura . Is Avocado A Fruit Or Vegetable? In fact, more than 20 kinds of minerals and vitamins are present in an avocado. Is the avocado a vegetable or a fruit? When you look at an avocado, you’ll notice its vivid green color and earthy skin in addition to its savory and nutty flavors, so you might be more inclined to consider it a vegetable. The avocado is the only fruit with a substantial amount of monounsaturated fatty acids and many studies have linked the consumption of this fruit … I know that’s something I should know, but I’m really curious to know if an avocado is a fruit or vegetable. Only olives rival avocados for monounsaturated fat content in a fruit or vegetable. To be exact it is a single-seeded berry. So celery, potatoes, carrots, turnips, cabbage, and lettuce are all vegetables. Nov 7, 2018 locknloadlabrador Getty Images. Botanically, avocado is a fruit It has a seed and grows on trees. If you’re a fan of avocado, having it on everything is extremely important. I don't know if will ever have an avocado ice cream or an avocado topping on my frozen yogurt, but for sure I will be crazy about making an always delicious guacamole with these two vegetable fruits. Avocados are a very versatile fruit. Adding more avocado, whether you think of it as a fruit or a vegetable, will help you reach the daily recommended servings of fruits and vegetables. Funnily enough, avocados are fruits. Need inspiration? and is located in our ' Food Chatter ' forum. Nutritionally, avocados are more like a vegetable and are listed as such by the USDA. Every so often, someone will write me or ask me at a California Avocado Festival: is it true that the avocado is a fruit, not a vegetable?. However, it is often used as a vegetable because it is not sweet tasting like oranges or peaches. An avocado is a fruit, not a vegetable. Meal Planning? An Avocado Is A Fruit, And More Specifically A Berry You might be inclined to call it a vegetable, thanks to its green hue and savory taste, but the avocado is technically a fruit, and even more specifically, a single-seeded berry.A fruit is "the matured ovary of a flower," according to University of California Agriculture & Natural Resources.