Keep the ice cubes in the spoon while you touch the back of the spoon to the surface of the soup. Now skim the ladle along the surface, leading with the low edge of the rim. Skimming is reading rapidly in order to get a general overview of the material. When I use it it seems to me that most of the scum and fat I'm trying to skim with it just flow right back into the pot; a minimal amount … Use the back of a cold metal spoon if you don’t have a mesh skimming utensil. Shop for ladles as part of an overall refresh of kitchen tools, so that you have a fully matching set you're proud to display in a countertop organizer or replace a well-loved ladle that has served out many delicious dishes and is ready to retire. Preparing Thanksgiving dinner is never an easy task but this nifty tool will save you some precious time. Ladles used for serving are made with a deeper bowl in the spoon and may be somewhat short handled. With practice, you will be able to skim the floating fat off of the liquid and into the ladle. This fat-skimming ladle virtually takes up no space and can be stashed with your other serving spoons so it’s handy every time you make soup, stock or gravy. The first scoop is usually straight cream, but then you have to tilt the bowl of the ladle to skim the sides. Place a handful of ice cubes into a deep metal spoon or ladle to chill it down. Use skimming in previewing (reading before you read), reviewing (reading after you read), determining the main idea from a long selection you don't wish to read, or when trying to find source material for a research paper. Using the Profi Plus Skimming Ladle you can remove dough, knödel or other sensitive food from boiling water, stock or fat. What is a Ladle? I use a gravy ladle soup ladle doesn't quite fit into my wide mouth mason jar. 1 Skimmer Label per Package. Scanning is reading rapidly in order to find specific facts. Used to skim foam off when boiling maple sap into maple syrup; Used to skim off big pieces of bark or other debris in sap after gathering Easy to store, easy to clean. Steel - Steel - Ladle metallurgy: The carrying out of metallurgical reactions in the ladle is a common practice in practically all steelmaking shops, because it is cost-efficient to operate the primary furnace as a high-speed melter and to adjust the final chemical composition and temperature of … SKIMMING & SCANNING . Of course, the Fat Skimming Ladle can also be used as a regular ladle for serving soup. When you use this technique, you will always end up removing some of the stock also so don't worry if your technique isn't perfect. Skimming is like snorkeling, and scanning is more like pearl diving. Skimmer. I dip the very lip of the ladle just under the surface of the foam, and push the ladle gently towards the edge of the pan. Using the ladle, strain the liquid through a cheesecloth or fine-mesh sieve and serve. Use a ladle to make a hole in the center of the raft. They are each used for different purposes, and here's how and when to use both.