Its growth may be greater than 2 meters. Step 1: Draw an oval as a guide for the ostrich's body. This unusual bird will make a fantastic addition to the cast of creatures you can draw. In this section, we'll show you how to draw the above ostrich. An ostrich can't fly, but its powerful legs help it run very fast. Step 8: Use the arc as a guide to draw the ostrich's beak. I don't think they are too friendly when it comes to sharing their space and dealing with people. How to Draw an Ostrich. Simply give the ostrich's neck more mass by making the guide line thicker. Either draw it freehand while looking at your computer monitor or print out this page to get a closer look at each step. An ostrich is unusually high and fast bird. Finish the base of the beak, which surrounds the mouth, and draw a slit on the … This unusual bird will make a fantastic addition to the cast of creatures you can draw. Running speed can be compared with the vehicle speeds. An ostrich can't fly, but its powerful legs help it run very fast. Step 10: Use the initial line as a guide to draw the neck. How to Draw an Ostrich. Step 3: Draw an arc next to the head as a guide for the ostrich's beak. Shade the eyeball except for a small circle to represent glare. by Darkonator . Step 2: Draw a smaller circle on the top right side as a guide for the ostrich's head. Draw some lines around the ostrich's eye for extra detail. It can run up to 100 km per hour. The neck, like the head, has a thin layer of down, so use quick, short strokes to represent this. How to Draw an Ostrich Page 3 of 4. Don't worry if it's not perfect. Either draw it freehand while looking at your computer monitor or print out this page to get a closer look at each step. In this section, we’ll show you how to draw the above ostrich. An ostrich is very unusual bird of the world. I can remember going to the zoo and I tried to take a picture of the ostrich, but when people got too close to it's habitat, it just ran away. How to draw an Ostrich?. Tweet 100% (1 votes) Description: The next cartoon animal that I will be giving you a lesson on is very popular because of the oddness of it’s kind. We have hand picked some video tutorials which can help you to learn how to draw an Ostrich! It's just a guide. Then draw another line below that for the lower part of the beak. In this section, we'll show you how to draw the above ostrich. Its weight is equal to the average weight of a person (60 kg). Follow the red lines in each illustration to learn exactly what to draw in that step. The oval should be slightly tilted. And if you need more inspiration and tutorials, just … Either draw it freehand while looking at your computer monitor or print out this page to get a closer look at each step. Draw a line in the middle of the arc that extends inside toward the circle for the ostrich's mouth.