The main fish that emperor penguins eat is Lanternfish. Everything penguins eat are small enough to fit into their throat in one big gulp. Most feeding occurs within 15.3 to 18.3 m (50-60 ft.) of the surface. Only about 4 percent of the chinstrap penguin's diet consists of fish. Method of Collecting and Eating Food. Read More: What do Adelie Penguins Eat? The amount of fish in their diets varies from place to place according with opportunity going from 15% in places with less fish up to 50% in places with abundant fish. Well! What Types of Food Do the Emperor Penguins Eat? From time to time, birds do throw up the indigestible parts (fish bones) of their food. Fish in this category include anchovies, mullets, silverfish, and cod among many other small fish which the penguins hunt both for themselves and to feed their young. However, A penguins young eat out of the mothers mouth. We eat our food at all times of the day. They also eat it on the ice to prevent it from escaping. Little Penguins. Penguins eat their food when they are in the ocean underwater. Hope this helped your questionClyde Hyatt, Age:12 Unlike other animals, like sharks, that can take multiple bites out of a larger prey item, such as a dead whale, penguins have to feed on animals that are small enough to be eaten at one time such as cuttlefish, squid, small fishes such as sardines, and, of course, krill. You can see it in action in this video. They dive under the water and swim using their wings as flippers. That's like asking "when do human eat their food?" Penguins eat seafood; mainly fish. Most of their food is caught on shallow dives to depths less than 30 feet but they will sometimes dive to the seabed in search of prey species. Penguins catch fish in the water and eat them sometimes they bring the food up for the babies and stick it in their mouths on land. A mother will find food, and eat it, when the mother comes back home, it will regurgitate all of the food into her young mouth. Penguins favor small schooling fish like sardines, smelt, herring and anchovies. The predators of penguins vary from region to region. Their diet is mainly composed by Antarctic Krill, siverfish and glacial squid. So the moment of taking, had to be as close as possible to the moment they leave for a fishery. After several attempts, they succeeded and were able to determine what penguins eat. In this case, food is found in the ocean, which is the penguins' main habitat. What Penguins Eat. Little Penguin Diet. Penguins feed at sea. Penguin hunting behavior ranges from seafloor foraging to open-ocean diving, and includes both solitary and group hunting. It is not known how penguins locate … Like most creatures, other than human and other animal babies who get food that others give to them, penguins find their food.