How to Eat Tamarind. Tamarind sauce can be used for various foods with good taste. When pulp ripen’s than becomes the tamarind paste which is sourer in taste. It also helps to renal cell carcinoma and decreases oxidative stress. A box of fresh tamarind fruit. It helps us from many diseases and disorders. The tamarind paste for swelling can also be useful. Here's how to get down with the fruit. (I have found boxes of Tamarind Pods at Whole Foods and at Asian Markets.) Roasted tamarind seeds are better to eat. Many people enjoy snacking on toasted tamarind seeds. An extract of tamarind seeds is used in eye drops for dry eyes. In foods and beverages, tamarind is used as flavoring. Remove the shell of a tamarind pod and, if you like, eat the pulp raw. It is also widely used in Asian cooking for chutneys and curries. To take the tamarind out of the pod, crack the covering. It is also widely used in Asian cooking for chutneys and curries. Even if you couldn't pick tamarind out of a fruit lineup, you've probably had it in dishes you love. Shake the pan occasionally to ensure the seeds roast evenly. The tamarind is best described as sweet and sour in taste, and is high in acid, sugar, B vitamins and, oddly for a fruit, calcium. Toast the seeds in a pan over medium heat for five minutes. An extract of tamarind seeds is used in eye drops for dry eyes. Drink 2 cup of juice in a day. A demonstration on how to eat it. Even if you couldn't pick tamarind out of a fruit lineup, you've probably had it in dishes you love. Tamarind seed juice helps to recover colon cancer. They are a taste delight and have lots of health benefits. Put the sticky pasty nuts into a pan and add just a little water. So let us talk about Tamarind Benefits and Side Effects. Tamarind seed helps to boost the immunity power. Keep reading for the health benefits. As shown in the picture, the fleshy fruit is encapsulated by a brittle, brown pod. It should not be too runny because what you want to end up with is a paste that can easily be spooned out, and thick enough to allow for a rounded spoon. Tamarind seeds are suitable for expectant mothers, ... Or if you can enjoy the taste eat it from the pod naturally without any processing. Cook this water and tamarind seeds mixture until the sticky pasty covering starts to separate from the seeds. Lot’s of benefits of eating tamarind seeds. How to Eat Tamarind Seeds? In foods and beverages, tamarind is used as flavoring. The tamarinds of Asia have longer pods containing six to 12 seeds, whereas African and West Indian varieties have short pods containing one to six seeds. The seeds are somewhat flattened, and glossy brown. Here’s how to eat Tamarind Fruit: It will break into pieces, each of which must be removed. ... TAMARIND - How to Eat It ... 18 Amazing Uses & Health Benefits of Tamarind Seeds … But, if you can find Tamarind in it’s natural pod state, it’s really worth eating. Here's how to get down with the fruit. Tamarind is often consumed as a fruit, but a pod must be prepared prior to eating. 10-Increse Immunity. Skip navigation Sign in. Just add this amazing healthy soar fruit to your regular diet and you get all the myriad of health benefits we have just discussed.