Oda Nobunaga was the first of the three great unifiers of Japan, the other two being Hideyoshi and Ieyasu. It can slice off your head and grill it for a tasty snack before you can say “Arrgghhh help nooooo arrrggghhhhhhhhhh!”. Japanese Translation. The Japanese section of a comprehensive chart … Dāku. Stories depict legendary foxes as intelligent beings and as possessing paranormal abilities that increase with their age and wisdom. JAPANESE DEITIES Names of the god or goddess, or the variations thereof, and details about their abilities and/or attributes. A being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by a people, especially a male deity thought to control some part of nature or reality. Oni, in Japanese folklore, a type of demonic creature often of giant size, great strength, and fearful appearance. 悪魔 (akuma) – Demon, Devil, or Fiend The word 悪魔 is made up of the kanji for “bad” 悪 and the kanji for “demon” 魔. Benzaiten (or Benten) is the goddess of everything that flows: words, eloquence and music. Find more Japanese words at wordhippo.com! The following is a list of demons, ghosts, kami, obake, yōkai, yūrei and other legendary creatures that are notable in Japanese folklore and mythology 神. Kami. Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword / Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly Words containing letters Pronounce Find conjugations Find names GODDESSES AND GODS Long list of Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Japanese Gods & deities Yōkai (妖怪, ghost, phantom, strange apparition) are a class of supernatural monsters, spirits, and demons in Japanese folklore. They are generally considered to be foreign in origin, perhaps introduced into Japan from China along with Buddhism. More Japanese words for dark. Cruel and malicious, they can, nevertheless, be converted to The force, effect, or a manifestation or aspect of this being. Inugami (犬神, "dog god/spirit"), like kitsunetsuki, is a spiritual possession by the spirit of a dog, widely known about in western Japan.They have seemed firmly rooted until recent years in the eastern Ōita Prefecture, Shimane Prefecture, and a part of Kōchi Prefecture in northern Shikoku, and it is also theorized that Shikoku, where no foxes could be found, is the main base of the inugami. In the popular imagination she is also associated with love. Japanese words for demon include 悪魔, 鬼, デーモン, 悪霊, 鬼神, 鬼畜, 悪神, 天魔 and 閻魔. It's common for shrines dedicated to Benzaiten to be considered romantic spots amongst Japanese couples. Majin 魔神, where ma 魔 means malicious, demon-like, relating to magic, and jin 神 (also kami) means deity, god, divine being. But you might also see his name written in katakana as サタン. How to say dark in Japanese What's the Japanese word for dark? Japanese Translation. She is one of Japan's 7 Lucky Gods. Here's a list of translations. How to say god in Japanese What's the Japanese word for god? Find more words! The name ‘AKUMA’ means ‘devil’ in Japanese, and that’s putting it mildly. JAPANESE PAGAN GODS & GODDESSES A small list of names. An Akuma is an evil fire spirit with an enormous flaming head and eyes of fire. When you say "demon king", however, I immediately think of Nobunaga, whose nickname in later life was demon king. All true Japanese mythology comes from this religion. NAMES FROM JAPANESE MYTHOLOGY List of names of Gods with detailed descriptions . Shinto (the Way of the Gods) was the original religion in Japan and had no written literature before the arrival of the Buddhists. ダーク. More Japanese words for god. JAPANESE GODS & THEIR ASSOCIATES. This is the word that is used to refer to demons from Western cultures and in particular to the devil Satan. Here's a list of translations. Oh, and a large terrifying sword which it swings around as it flies through the air. A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions. Kitsune (狐, キツネ, IPA: ()) in the literal sense is the Japanese word for fox.Foxes are a common subject of Japanese folklore; in English, kitsune refers to them in this context. Dale is correct, I think.