If you must point out that you're "motivated" on your resume, you should take the time to be a little more specific. First, many hiring managers quickly skim through resumes and cover letters due to the high volume they receive. Certain words on your resume can help you stand out. 19 Powerful Leadership Keywords to Include on Your Resume (aka, better alternatives to the word “manage”): Trained However, it is often difficult to think of good verbs. Problems. Synonyms and Antonyms of passion. It is but a feeble destiny that is wrecked by passion… Sometimes, you can get stuck using the same verb such as multiple times when it is better to mix up statements with other … In the various parts of your resume/CV it is helpful to use powerful words that convey how good you are at what you do. Synonym Discussion of passionate. Pass on the Passion Words. It might take more time to determine what’s okay to remove, but it’s a better strategy than reducing font size or trimming the margins of your resume, which can make your resume … According to U.S. News & World Report, it takes less than 20 seconds for a hiring manager to make a decision about you based on your resume.Hiring managers need to scan your resume and find the information they need in record time so they can move on to the next resume. fervor implies a warm and steady emotion. Instead, consider limiting your use of “manage” on your resume to just a few times, opting instead for more powerful, descriptive synonyms that more concretely communicate your ability to effectively lead people and projects. A recent CareerBuilder survey found there are some words hiring managers and human resources pros just don’t want to see on your resume. These power words jump off the page, quickly showing the hiring manager you have the skills and qualifications to get the job done. Malbone, greedy of emotion, was drinking to the dregs a passion that could have no to-morrow. Synonyms for passionate in Free Thesaurus. Sometimes we see resumes use words like “handled” when describing an action. However, it’s time to talk about what works should be included in your resume. There Are Better Ways To Say You're A 'Passionate' Person On Your Resume. Everyone applying for jobs at a college or university is passionate about higher education. Find descriptive alternatives for résumé. "Hard worker," "ambitious," and other clichés shouldn't be included in your résumé. Catherine Conlan, Monster Contributing Writer . Sometimes people use being passionate when they’re afraid they’re under-qualified (much like “ I’m a fast learner ”). Can one word make or break your resume? Power words are used for several reasons. impassioned implies warmth and intensity without violence and suggests fluent verbal expression. Check out the adjectives hiring experts say … We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: With so little space and so much awesome information about your career to share, it’s critical that you get picky with the words you use on your resume.. And if you’ve called yourself a go-to person, a team player or a strategic thinker, you’ll need to make a few changes before you send your resume to … ardor suggests warm and excited feeling likely to be fitful or short-lived. ‘Motivated, creative and passionate’ – the words that kill your CV Stefan Stern. Words like highly motivated and driven don't differentiate you and only express desire, which the very act of applying for a job should imply. passion applies to an emotion that is deeply stirring or ungovernable. In my opinion as a team lead and hiring manager, passion has a complex subtext. Usually you can use a stronger more compelling verb. Synonym Discussion of passion. They’re looking for examples that back up your boasting, so be sure your performance is worthy of any exciting adjectives … Antonyms for passionate. Synonyms for résumé at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. If there's one word that's completely overused in resumes, it's "passionate". After all, employers do want passionate workers. I wish for Singaporeans to be as passionate for our country as the members of AWARE.. At first it reminded me of a 3 stooge's comedy, but stooges passionate for the Lord.. A resume that's chock-full of phrases like responsible for, participated in, or contributed to isn't the worst thing on earth, but it doesn't say what you actually did in your job. impassioned, passionate, ardent, fervent, fervid, perfervid mean showing intense feeling. Simply throwing out a lot of high-powered words won’t wow hiring managers. It's hard to blame people for using the word when they're applying for jobs. If You Mean You Don’t Have Experience. They were so old, yet so passionate for God.. Perhaps a bit too passionate for a barrister.. Come see what Passionate for Life has to offer.. Hiring managers are sick of seeing buzzwords on résumés. There is no passion in your veins; it is only a sort of sympathetic selfishness. Adjectives every resume should include Expert advice on how to describe yourself and your accomplishments. You may think, “OK, so I’m not an experienced programmer, but I love this company and if it hired me I’d absolutely take some classes and beef up my skills.