It is hard not to like this good and obedient protagonist, for she struggles with universal yearnings such as love and an escape from poverty. I have just seen "Girl with a pearl earring" and I am already willing to see it again. When Vermeer’s wife learns of this painting, she becomes very angry and Griet leaves the Vermeer house … Girl with the Pearl Earring is the true story of a young girl named Griet. GIRL WITH A PEARL EARRING is a thoroughly engaging novel that follows the life-changing experiences of quiet Griet over the two years she serves the Delft painter, Johannes Vermeer. Set in 17th century Delft, Holland, the novel was inspired by Delft school painter Johannes Vermeer's painting Girl with a Pearl Earring… Ekphrasis is the term used to define verbal descriptions of non-verbal sign systems, generally poetry. Discover and share Girl with a Pearl Earring Quotes. Complete summary of Tracy Chevalier's Girl With a Pearl Earring. eNotes plot summaries cover all the significant action of Girl With a Pearl Earring. Girl With a Pearl Earring gives the reader much more than what is really there. Girl With a Pearl Earring Homework Help Questions. The Girl With a Pearl Earring study guide contains a biography of Tracy Chevalier, 100 quiz questions, a glossary, major themes, a list of characters, and a full summary and analysis. By the end of “Girl with a Pearl Earring” Vermeer paints Griet with his wife’s pearl earrings. Stealing and tempting Discuss the subtle ways in which Girl with a Pearl Earring contends with these issues. Girl with a Pearl Earring, Tracy Chevalier Girl with a Pearl Earring is a 1999 historical novel written by Tracy Chevalier. Tracy Chevalier 3-Book Collection: Girl With a Pearl Earring, Remarkable Creatures, Falling Angels by Tracy Chevalier (Goodreads Author) 4.19 avg rating — 32 ratings — published 2012 The novel opens with Vermeer and his disheveled -wife, Catharina, visiting Griet's family to have a look at the girl they hope to hire. In mid-career, the renowned 17th century Baroque artist Johannes Vermeer painted "Girl with a Pearl Earring," which has been called the Dutch Mona Lisa. It is known that the maid who worked in Vermeer's house was the model and inspiration for such a piece of arts. What a wonderful book! Griet. Even so, Girl with a Pearl Earring only became one of Vermeer’s more famous pieces around the turn of the 21st century, with the 1995 blockbuster exhibition at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., and the publication of the best-selling novel Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier in 1999. Griet spends countless hours enjoying and contemplating Vermeer’s paintings. This Study Guide consists of approximately 44 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Girl with a Pearl Earring. "Girl With a Pearl Earring" is a magnificent contemplative art work and a beautiful dramatic romance based on a famous painting, which has this name. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. Smart News Keeping you current Scientists Study ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ in Hopes of Finding How Vermeer Painted His Masterpiece The enigmatic … The Girl With a Pearl Earring study guide contains a biography of Tracy Chevalier, 100 quiz questions, a glossary, major themes, a list of characters, and a full summary and analysis. Girl With a Pearl Earring is a historical drama that takes a fascinating look at art culture. The Girl with a Pearl Earring is the story of Griet, a sixteen-year old girl who is hired by the famous painter, Vermeer, to clean his studio. She develops a bond with Vermeer and the book follows her as she observes Vermeer and his paintings. The Girl With a Pearl Earring study guide contains a biography of Tracy Chevalier, 100 quiz questions, a glossary, major themes, a list of characters, and a full summary and analysis. What are the themes of Girl With A Pearl Earring? Though the pace is slow, Girl with a Pearl Earring genuinely conveys some sense of an artist's process, as well as offering many chaste yet sensual moments between Firth and Johansson. Girl With a Pearl Earring Major Character Analysis. It is hard not to like this good and obedient protagonist, for she struggles with universal yearnings such as love and an escape from poverty.