5 Ways to Reduce the Negative Effects of Divorce on Your Children By following these five tips, you can help to reduce the negative effects of divorce on … The ability of a child to overcome the damage caused by divorce will differ case by case. In the majority of cases, divorce is something that can change your life and your family’s life for the better. Life stress perspective. It will largely depend on how both parents handle the separation. Divorce is a problem that is increasing every year. Indeed, no discussion could continue without some nod to the negative effects of divorce on children, which are significant and serious. just as stressful for kids as it is for adults, not a single event. The end of your marriage is not the end of your existence. For a divorce to have more positive effects on a woman than negative, she must make the most of the chance to change her life for the better. 1. 5 Ways to Reduce the Negative Effects of Divorce on Your Children By following these five tips, you can help to reduce the negative effects of divorce on … Welcome to the majority. This article summarizes many of the common psychological and emotional effects divorce has on men, women and children. If a marriage can't be saved, a couple can work together to end the marriage amicably, allowing for a more straightforward, less stressful, and less costly divorce. Children of separated families have a higher probability of: being in poverty and poor housing; being poorer when they are adults; behavioural problems; performing… Children of divorced parents are more likely to suffer academically or end up in trouble with the law throughout their young adulthood. Some women say that the first few years after divorce are a time of significant personal growth, with greater independence and more personal choices. On one side of the argument, some researchers claim that children of divorced parents are still able to adapt to their new environment and have an enhanced level of maturity, among other things. effects of divorce on children and families can be brutal, and many studies by psychologists have noted the negative effects of divorce on children and families result in a consistent change in the psychological and emotional nature of an individual, which further alters their social and personal life at a time when they may need stability. life stress, parental loss, parental adjustment, economic hardship, and interparental conflict. A Brief Guide to the Negative Effects of Divorce on Children . In reality, divorce is detrimental to the progress of society, and children are the ones who suffer the most.