However, bears are found throughout most of the Commonwealth, and encounters between bears and people are increasing. Black bears (Ursus americanus) typically breed in June and July, although breeding can occur at any time from June through September. The male follows the female at a distance for quite awhile until she feels safe and allows him to get closer. Bears, who usually prefer to live alone, get together in spring to find a mate. Once they’ve mated the male leaves … No. Male bears are close to 2 times heavier than females. Some territories contain both mothers and daughters of breeding age. Finding a mate can be quite tricky for the male bear. Sometimes, when bears are in the sun, it causes them to look a little lighter than there natural colour. Black bears (Ursus americanus) typically breed in June and July, although breeding can occur at any time from June through September. Females will start breeding from ages 2 to 8, depending on environmental conditions, bear density and food availability. He also had long claws, a concave facial profile, and a humped back—all grizzly characteristics. Of the three bear species (black, brown, and polar bears) in North America, only the black bear lives in Virginia. Courtship and Mating. Finding a mate can be quite tricky for the male bear. Also, there has been a case of a female Asian black bear breeding with a male brown bear. Mating. Brown bears and polar bears, ... and mate from May to July; meanwhile, polar bears mate from April to June while hunting for seals along the sea ice. A female bear that is underweight cannot give birth. The bear's white fur was interspersed with brown patches. So, here is the story of the three bears. Female brown bears do not mate until they are at least four or six years of age. Given that bears generally live only until they are 20-25 years of age, this does not give very many opportunities to reproduce. Food availability in the fall is especially important, and in places with lots of acorns and… Brown bears have been known to breed with American black bears. But this leads to the much more interesting story of why… and the fascinating tale of “How Polar Bears, Grizzlies and Kodiak Bears came to be”. Food availability in the fall is especially important, and in places with lots of acorns and… Female bears are ready to mate between the ages of 3 and 8 years, but that will depend on their health and their weight. Since they are larger than females, they have been known to kill females for food. This size difference is a result of larger males having better mating success than smaller males.